
  • Dr. Prateek Singh Rama Dental College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India Author
  • Surbhit Singh Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore. Author
  • Nidhi Shukla Rama Dental College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh, India Author
  • Vaibhav Bansal Rama Dental College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh, India Author
  • Rohma Yusuf Rama Dental College Hospital and Research Centre, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh, India Author


Dental education, students, perceived stress.


The stress which is experienced by students may adversely affect their academic achievement, personal well being and long-term professional capabilities. The dental profession is  one  of  the most  stressful  health  professions.  The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to investigate perceived sources of stress on undergraduate dental students.Modified  version  of  the  Dental  Environment  Stress (DES)  questionnaire  which  was used  to  assess  perceived  stress  among undergraduate  dental  students.  Means  and  standard deviations  were determined  for  stress  scores  of  individuals  for  each  item. One  way  ANOVA,were used to analysed the data at the significant level of p- value of ≤ 0.05.The top stressor for all years was my colleagues in college and hostel are not friendly and  I  chose dentistry  with  my  parents interest.  For  most  of  these  items, second  and  final  year students reported more stress than first and third year but the final year students shows maximum stress among all academic year


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How to Cite

Singh, P., Singh, S., Shukla, N., Bansal, V., & Yusuf, R. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF STRESS IN UNDERGRADUATE DENTAL STUDENTS- A CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY. History of Medicine Ru, 7(1).