The origin and development of Russian cosmetology


  • Andrey A. Martynov State Research Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 3 Korolenko St., building 3, Moscow 107076, Russia Author
  • Anna V. Vlasova FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


history of medicine, skin, dermatovenereology, cosmetology, cosmetologist


This  article  presents  the  main  stages  of  the  development  of  cosmetological  care  to  the  population  of  the  Russian Federation. It’s indicated that the formation of cosmetology took place actively on the basis of dermatovenereology,and  its  isolation  into  a  separate  speciality,  in  fact,  merely  completed  a  prolonged  stage  of  development.  The  first Russian dermatologists and venereologists appeared in the 1860s. In relation to this period, we can talk about the emergence of an independent and original domestic school of dermatovenereology. The first scientific and practical centre of cosmetology in Russia – Dr. Ostroumov’s Institute of Medical Cosmetology – was founded in 1908. The principal translated foreign works on skin and venereal diseases were published at the same time. After the October Revolution, the issues of cosmetology and the circulation of cosmetic medicines began to be strictly controlled by the state. In the early 1960s, the Ministry of Health of the USSR set the task of creating a system under which medi-cal cosmetological care would be provided in the venereal and skin dispensaries of each regional centre. In the early 1990s, the Ministry of Health of the USSR took some measures to develop cosmetological care. In particular, the regulations on the cosmetology clinic, as well as on the specialist doctors and leaders of such clinics, were approved.
t the same time, normalisation of the provision of cosmetological care was carried out, including staffing standards and specialists’ workload. According to the authors, the isolation of a separate medical speciality, which was largely facilitated by the need to ensure effective state control of the quality of medical services, is a specific feature of the Russian model of cosmetological care.


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How to Cite

A. Martynov, A., & V. Vlasova, A. (2019). The origin and development of Russian cosmetology. History of Medicine Ru, 6(3).