The Western Medical Tradition and Typology of “Kinds of Medicine”


  • P.E. Ratmanov Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk Author


Western medical tradition, kinds of medicine, typology of medicine, Western Europe, historiography


The article summarizes the approaches of Western historians of medicine to the typology of the Western medical tradition based on kinds of medicine”: bedside, library, hospital, laboratory and public. Currently,  the  history  of  medicine  offers  one of  brightest  examples  of  overcoming  disciplinary boundaries. The very nature of this discipline in-volves research at the crossroads of history (in the traditional sense) and medicine. It became a "mix-tures of genres" in the 2nd half of the XX century,when  representatives  of  social  history,  demogra-phy,  psychology,  anthropology,  literary  criticism and  linguistics  began  studying  it.  In  the  last  dec-ades,  the  history  of  medicine  has  evolved  from  a closed  specifi c  discipline,  primarily  oriented  to-wards medical students, into a fl exible one, open to a variety of approaches and research trends on the front edge of historical science [1, p. 419].


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How to Cite

Ratmanov, P. (2014). The Western Medical Tradition and Typology of “Kinds of Medicine”. History of Medicine Ru, 1(1).