A study of St.Petersburg medical toponyms


  • A.Z. Likhtshangof St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, The Ministry of Healfh of the Russian Federation Author


the history of Russian medicine, St. Petersburg, toponymics and toponymy


For the first time, the toponymy of St. Petersburg is examined as a historico-medical source, providing a classification of medical toponyms of St. Petersburg. The study identifies five categories of names: those given in honor of the medical profession as a whole, those given in honor of eminent scientists and other important figures in the medical field or those who had influence on the development of medicine, those given in honor of physicians outside the context of their professional activities, those given in honor of medical institutions, and those given in honor of medico-social and charitable institutions. In total, the study identified and reviewed 291 medical toponyms relating to 176 objects, some of which still exist, while others have since been lost. Currently, 93 medical toponyms remain in St. Petersburg.


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How to Cite

Likhtshangof, A. (2014). A study of St.Petersburg medical toponyms. History of Medicine, 1(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/23