Foreign medical personnel and formations in the Russian army during World War I


  • Igor V. Karpenko FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Maria S. Sergeeva FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Viktor G. Belych FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


Russian Red Cross Society, International Relief, Sisters of Mercy, Anglo-Russian Hospital, American Hospital, Japanese Red Cross Infirmary, Dutch Mobile Infirmary, Danish Sanitary Detachment, Slavic Charity Association


Using materials from the archives of the Russian Red Cross Society (RRCS) and the official Vedomosti Krasnogo Kresta (Red Cross Gazette) periodical for 1914–1917, it is shown that international charity activity provided important assistance in the work of the RRCS in providing medical assistance to the wounded and sick Russian soldiers. The support received by the RRCS from the international community was not limited to monetary donations and the supply of medicines and medical equipment: the provision of medical personnel was no less important. An analysis of foreign experts’ contribution to the organization of the medical and sanitary service of the Russian army allows us to conclude that the desire to provide all possible assistance in the treatment of Russian soldiers was inherent in both individual specialists and whole medical detachments. The foreigners worked in the local RRCS medical and sanitary institutions; citizens from allied and neutral states took part in courses and joined the Russian sisters of mercy communities. The work of foreign medical units in the Russian army was examined by studying the example of the activities of the Anglo-Russian hospital and the infirmary of the Japanese Red Cross in Petrograd, the American hospital in Kiev, the mobile hospital of the Dutch Reformed Church and the Danish and Bulgarian sanitary detachments. A conclusion is drawn that they were subject to double subordination – from international benefactors and the RRCS. Decisions concerning the organization, selection of personnel and payment of salaries, medical support and activities of these formations were regulated by foreign founders, RRCS took them under its patronage in Russia and provided the necessary work conditions,i.e. provided for all their financial needs. A Russian leader was appointed in all foreign medical formations and the staff was complemented with local personnel – doctors, nurses, orderlies, and others.


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Amerikanskiy otryad [American Detachment] (1914) Vestnik Krasnogo

Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 9: 583‒584. (In Russ.)

Amerikanskiy otryad Krasnogo Kresta [American detachment of the

Red Cross] (1916) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 1:

(In Russ.)

Anglo-russkij peredovoj otryad Imeni Korolevy Aleksandry [e An-

glo-Russian advance detachment named aer Queen Alexandra]

(1916) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 5: 1618. (In Russ.)

Bolgarskiy sanitarny otryad [Bulgarian Sanitary Detachment] (1914)

Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 9: 580. (In Russ.)

Cheshskij otryad iz Chikago [Czech detachment from Chicago] (1915)

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Datskiy medicinskiy otryad [Danish Medical Detachment] (1915) Vest-

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Datskiy otryad v Rossii [Danish detachment in Russia] (1915) Vestnik

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Druzheskaya pomosch Ameriki nashemu Krasnomu Krestu [Ameri-

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[Red Cross Bulletin] 7: 3039. (In Russ.)

Franczuzhenki – russkie sestry miloserdiya [Frenchwomen – Russian

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tin] 7: 3071. (In Russ.)

Gospital` anglo-russkogo komiteta [Hospital of the Anglo-Russian

Committee] (1916) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin]

: 188. (In Russ.)

Inostranki ‒ russkie sestry miloserdiya [Foreigners – Russian Sisters

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Italianka – russkaya sestra miloserdiya [Italian – Russian Sister of Mer-

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Kursy franczuzskogo “Krasnogo Kresta” [Courses of the French “Red

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Nagrady [Awards] (1916) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin]

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Niderlandskiy gospital dlya Rossii [e Netherlands Hospital for Russia]

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Osvyashenie yaponskogo lazareta [Sanctification of theJapanese In-

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Otkaz v prieme v sestry miloserdiya germanskoj poddannoj [Refusal to

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Otryad yaponskogo Krasnogo Kresta v Petrograde [Detachment of the

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Podarok Komiteta Imeni Korolevy Velikobritanii Aleksandry [Gi of the

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Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 6: 2047. (In Russ.)

Pomosch Datskogo Krasnogo Kresta Rossij skomu Obshhestvu Krasno-

go Kresta [Help of the Danish Red Cross to the Russian Red Cross

Society] (1915) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 7:

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Pozhertvovanie Anglij skogo Korolya [Donation of the English King] (1915)

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Pozhertvovanie russkogo posol`stva i konsul`stva v Rime [Donation of

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Pribytie amerikanskogo sanitarnogo otryada [Arrival of the American

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Pribytie anglijskogo i amerikanskogo otryada Krasnogo Kresta [Arrival

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Priem vrachej s inostrannymi diplomami v Krasny Krest [Reception

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Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 10: 1001‒1002. (In Russ.)

Sanitarny otryad bel`giytsev [Sanitary Detachment of Belgians] (1916)

Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 1: 167. (In Russ.)

Sestra miloserdiya-kitayanka [Chinese Sister of Mercy] (1915) Vestnik

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Vozvrashenie v Bolgariyu sanitarnogo otryada slavyanskogo blagotvor-

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[Red Cross Bulletin] 7: 2353. (In Russ.)

Yaponskiy Krasny Krest v russkoj armii [Japanese Red Cross in the Rus-

sian Army] (1915) Vestnik Krasnogo Kresta [Red Cross Bulletin] 7:

(In Russ.)







How to Cite

V. Karpenko, I., S. Sergeeva, M., & G. Belych, V. (2018). Foreign medical personnel and formations in the Russian army during World War I. History of Medicine Ru, 5(3).