The practice of medical cartography from a historical perspective


  • Alexey Yu. Kuzmenkov Smolensk State Medical University 28 Krupskoy St., Smolensk 214019, Russia Author
  • Veronika M. Ostapenko Smolensk State Medical University 28 Krupskoy St., Smolensk 214019, Russia Author
  • Roman S. Kozlov Smolensk State Medical University 28 Krupskoy St., Smolensk 214019, Russia Author


medical cartography, medical geography, epidemiological studies, mapping of diseases, geo-monitoring


This work covers the main stages in the development of medical cartography as a branch of medical geography. The author reveals the origin and early development of this analytical method when the development or preparation of maps with the inclusion  of  health  information  acquired  the  magnitude  of  a  scientific  activity.  The  late  18th-century  military  practice  of mapping diseases is illustrated. Notable moments in the development of medical cartography in Russia from the beginning of the 18th century are considered. The Soviet-era formation of the medical-geographical branch with its anthropological orientation  and  the  methodological  approach  of  systematic  medical-geographical  mapping  are  described.  The  modern developmental  period  of  medical  cartography  methods  is  characterized,  highlighting  the  three  types  of  medical  maps  that are currently used. Taking into account the development of modern computer technologies and geo-information systems,opportunities for the further improvement and introduction of medical cartography into everyday practice are revealed. The application of a geo-systemic approach (construction of cartographic works on the basis of cosmo-photographical maps) is described. The potential for the use of medical cartography in epidemiological and geographical studies by pairing it with the geo-monitoring processes is indicated, as is the creation of regional medical and geographical data banks, medical and geographical management and its introduction into the practice of regional management.


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How to Cite

Yu. Kuzmenkov, A., M. Ostapenko, V., & S. Kozlov, R. (2018). The practice of medical cartography from a historical perspective. History of Medicine, 5(1).