Scientific and practical educational aspects of modern epidemiology: a view through the prism of history


  • N.I. Briko I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Тhe Ministry of Health, Russian Federation Author


epidemiology, incidence, paradigm, conception, globalization, evidence-based medicine


This article presents the stages of development of epidemiology and offers their brief characteristics. We discuss the key issues pertaining to the definition of the object, subject, and methods of epidemiology at each stage. A definition and characteristics are given to the epidemiological approach towards studying human diseases. We review the structure and contents of modern epidemiology as a fundamental medical science, relating to the area of preventive medicine, the subject of which includes the entirety of human pathology – infectious and non-infectious. The paradigm of modern epidemiology is analyzed from theoretical, practical, and educational positions. We emphasize the importance of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine in solving problems in medicine at the organismic and population levels.


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How to Cite

Briko, N. (2014). Scientific and practical educational aspects of modern epidemiology: a view through the prism of history. History of Medicine Ru, 1(1).