Personality and private life of S.P. Botkin on the materials of “Letters of S.P. Botkin from Bulgaria of 1877”)


  • Sergei G. Zhuravskii Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University MOH Russia –8 L’va Tolstogo St., Saint Petersburg 197022, Russia, 2Almazov National Medical Research Centre MOH Russia Akkuratova St., Saint Petersburg 197341, Russia Author


Letters of S.P. Botkin from Bulgaria of 1877, S.P. Botkin, E.A. Botkina, private life of S.P. Botkin, history of medicine,The Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878


“The  letters  of  S.P.  Botkin  from  Bulgaria  of  1877”  is  the  only  epistolary  document  among  the  published  works  of  the famous Russian physician. Traditionally, this work is an introduc tion of S.P. Botkin as a doctor, a scientist, and a public figure.  Moreover,  this  book  is  a  historical  reference  to  the  Russo-Turkish  War  of  1877–1878.  Handwriting  comparison of some manuscripts  of the revealed significant parts of the work that were not included in the published version. Those fragments contain unknown biographical information regarding S.P. Botkin’s private life: his marriage, household activities etc. In those notes, S.P. Botkin appears to be an attentive father and the head of a big family. The relationship between husband and wife characterizes him in a surprising way. The author of the notes proves to be an emotional person and a passionately loving husband. It seems that those feelings, which he was inclined to view from a rational  perspective as kind of an adjustment mechanism, helped him to overcome all the difficulties of the war time and his family tragedy with dignity.
he original manuscript provides us an insight to this scientist, who was at the peak of his career as a doctor and the head of the scientific society. The family ambiance and the support from his beloved wife remained to be a source of energy crucial for his professional and public performance.


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How to Cite

G. Zhuravskii, S. (2024). Personality and private life of S.P. Botkin on the materials of “Letters of S.P. Botkin from Bulgaria of 1877”). History of Medicine Ru, 4(4).