The Pythagorean influence on medicine: a historical fact or a problem of interpretation? Part 2


  • Dmitry A. Balalykin FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Nataliya P. Shok FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


history of medicine, history of science, Pythagoreans, ancient philosophy, ancient Greek rational medicine


The authors of this article consider the influence of the Pythagoreans’ views on medicine. They justify two significant for the history and philosophy of medicine theses. The first one is the lack of influence of the Pythagoreans on the formation and development of an independent medical school. The second is the fallacy of the assertion that the medical views of some representatives of ancient medicine (the most famous of which is Alcmaeon) were formed solely under the influence of the ideas of the Pythagoreans. Alcmaeon, who is traditionally identified with the followers of the Pythagorean teaching, formed fundamental statements for further development of ancient Greek rational medicine (the thesis about the controlling role of the brain, etc.). The main argument against Alcmaeon’s attributing to the Pythagorean school is his idea of the central control  function  of  the  brain.  In  terms  of  the  birth  and  development  of  medicine  as  a  science,  Alcmaeon  is  the  direct predecessor  of  Hippocrates  and  Herophilus.  The  interdisciplinary  approach,  as  well  as  authors’  scientific  developments related to the reconstruction of the history and philosophy of ancient medicine, allow the authors to conclude that the Pythagorean doctrine has dual nature because of the rational and occult/magical elements in it. It is a serious reason for not  overestimating  the  importance  of  Pythagorean  philosophy  for  the  development  of  medicine.  Pythagorean  teaching could not become a fundamental system of views, which was the basis for the formation of a picture of the world of the first generations of representatives of ancient Greek rational medicine and separate medical schools. However, this fact does not deny the possibility of influence of some Pythagorean ideas on the representatives of the ancient physicians in the broadest ideological sense.


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How to Cite

A. Balalykin, D., & P. Shok, N. (2024). The Pythagorean influence on medicine: a historical fact or a problem of interpretation? Part 2. History of Medicine, 4(4).