Doctor of medicine A.I. Rammul’s Moscow period of work (1905–1915)


  • Tatyana G. Medvedeva FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Kira V. Bogatyreva FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


A.I. Rammul, Imperial Moscow University, Moskvoretsky public water supply, Rublevskaya waterworks, infectious diseases


An  attempt  has  been  made  to  reconstruct  doctor  of  medicine  A.I.  Rammul’s  period  of  work  in  Moscow  (1905–1915).
ammul’s name is associated with the development of scientific hygiene and epidemiology in Russia. On the basis of an analysis  of  archival  materials,  an  assessment  is  given  of  the  elective  course  developed  by  Rammul  on  the  epidemiology of infectious diseases (cholera and typhus) at the Medical Faculty of Imperial Moscow University in 1912. The authors consider the circumstances associated with the creation of this course and the appointment of Rammul as privatdozent of the hygiene department of the Medical Faculty of Imperial Moscow University. The previous stage of Rammul’s work is assessed (as head of the analytical laboratory at the Rublevskaya waterworks at the Moskvoretsky public water supply and a member of the Commission of Sanitary Physicians of Moscow), which was important for him gaining experience in epidemiology. Rammul’s achievements in the field of improving the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Moscow allow us to consider him a successor to the traditions of the hygiene schools of F.F. Erisman and G.V. Khlopin. During the research, an inaccuracy was eliminated in the date of the scientist’s first trip abroad, which was found in publications devoted to him. An analysis of Rammul’s work reveals particular developments in medical education at Imperial Moscow University in the early 20th century. The archival data on Rammul’s Moscow period of life will help supplement modern understanding of the development of scientific hygiene and epidemiology in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, and provide a more nearly complete picture of the history of Russian medicine in general. The work presents previously  unpublished  documents  from  the  archive  of  the  Imperial  Moscow  University,  stored  in  the  Central  State Archives of Moscow.


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How to Cite

G. Medvedeva, T., & V. Bogatyreva, K. (2017). Doctor of medicine A.I. Rammul’s Moscow period of work (1905–1915). History of Medicine Ru, 4(3).