Richard Fronschtein: unknown facts of biography. Student years (1900–1907)


  • Iuliia V. Kuzmina FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Nataliya P. Shok FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


history of medicine, Richard Fronschtein, scientific biography, Russian school of urology, Imperial Moscow University


This article is dedicated to the study of the professional biography of R.M. Fronsсhtein (1882–1949), who entered medical history  as  the  founder  of  the  Russian  school  of  urology.  In  their  comprehensive  work  on  creating  a  historically  reliable picture of the establishment and development of the clinical and fundamental specialties in the history of Russian medicine,the authors, using a historical-biographical method, have made an attempt to reconstruct and analyze the circumstances related to R.M. Fronsсhtein’s studies at the Medical Department of Imperial Moscow University (1900–1907). The study was based on material from various Russian archives (the Moscow Central State Archive, the State Archive of the Ryazan Region, the State Archive of the Russian Federation). By analyzing the historiography and archival material the researchers established new facts about R.M. Fronsсhtein’s biography from the abovementioned period. The researchers were able to clarify the circumstances surrounding his temporary dismissal from the university in 1904, to determine the reason why a case was filed against him at the university’s Professor’s Disciplinary Court, to discover information about his stay in the Ryazan Region in 1905–1906 and to verify the dates when he was rehabilitated among the students of the Imperial Moscow University  and  when  he  completed  his  studies.  The  article  offers  various  scholarly  theories  and  the  authors  clarify  the separate facts of R.M. Fronsсhtein’s biography based on information obtained during their work with the sources. More complete historical-biographical information about one of the leading urologists of the Soviet Union will help us study the history of the development of the Russian school of urology and shed light on the important events in the history of Russian medical science in general.


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[Notable figures of the medical science and public health

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i dr. Istoriya otechestvennoy urologii [The history of

Russian urology]. Ed. Prof. N.A. Lopatkin, Acad.

of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and

Prof. N.K. Dzeranov. Moscow: Dipak, 2007. 287 p.

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pervogo obshchestva urologov v Rossii [To the 110th

anniversary of the founding of the first Society of urologists

in Russia]. Urologicheskie vedomosti [Urological

Journal]. 2017; 7(1): 33–36. (in Russian)

Alyaev Yu.G., Aslamazov E.G., Akhvlediani N.D. 145

let Urologicheskoy klinike im. R.M. Fronshteyna [To the

th anniversary of the R.M. Fronschtein Urological

clinic]. Moscow: Dipak, 2012. 239 p. (in Russian)

Fronshteyn Rikhard Mikhaylovich. Ed. B.D. Petrov.

Moscow: Medgiz, 1962. 68 p. (in Russian)

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journey of Fronschtein R.M. In: Fronschtein R.M.

Selected Works]. Ed. B.D. Petrov. Moscow: Medgiz,

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I.M. Sechenova. Biograficheskiy slovar’. 1758–2008 gg.

[Notable figures of the medical science and public health

service, employees and graduates of the I.M. Sechenov

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. Ed. Paltsev M.A., Stochik A.M., Zatravkin S.N.

st ed. Moscow: Shiko, 2008. 656 p. (in Russian)

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gospitale [The history of development of urology in the

Main Hospital]. Moscow: Meditsina, 2006. 244 p.

(in Russian)

Epshteyn I.M. Urologiya [Urology]. Moscow: Meditsina,

294 p. (in Russian)

Gontmakher M.A. Evrei na donskoy zemle: Istoriya.

Fakty. Biografii [Jews in the river Don region: History.

Data. Biographies]. Rostov-na-Donu: Rostizdat, 2007.

p. (in Russian)

Prikazy i prikazaniya po Deystvuyushchey armii [Orders

concerning the Active Army].Iss. 97. In: Sbornik materialov

russko-turetskoy voyny 1877–78 gg. na Balkanskom

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komissiya glavnogo upravleniya General’nogo shtaba,

240 p. (in Russian)

Vsya Moskva. Chast’ 4. Alfavitnyy ukazatel’ adresov

zhiteley g. Moskvy i eya prigorodov [All Moscow. Part 4.

Alphabetical index of addresses of residents of Moscow and

its suburbs]. Moscow, 1901. 511 p. (in Russian)







How to Cite

V. Kuzmina, I., & P. Shok, N. (2017). Richard Fronschtein: unknown facts of biography. Student years (1900–1907). History of Medicine, 4(2).