A Russian doctor in exile: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Levitsky (1883–1953)


  • Inna E. Rozanova Solzhenitsyn House for the Russian Diaspora (Moscow) Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya St., Moscow 109240, Russia Author
  • Olga A. Trefilova FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenov University) Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


V.A. Levitsky, Russian emigration, Russian doctors in emigration, the history of Russian surgery


In domestic and foreign historiography, much attention has been paid to the phenomenon of Russian scientific emigration.
he work of many emigrants who left Russia after the revolutionary events of 1917 and the Civil War was associated with medicine. V.A. Levitsky was an outstanding surgeon and organizer of medical work among Russian émigrés in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (KSCS). After graduating in 1910 from the Imperial University of Moscow, he worked as a supernumerary  ordinator  of  the  surgical  department  of  the  Red  Cross’s  Iberian  community  in  Moscow.  In  1912,  he  took up the post of assistant professor at Professor V.I. Alexinsky’s Department of Surgical Pathology. He later became a well-known surgeon and a no less famous figure among Russian émigrés. During World War I, Levitsky was in charge of one of the Russian Red Cross Society’s hospitals and was on record as a colonel. In 1918, he was chosen as a teacher at Moscow University at the Department of Surgical Pathology and received the title of assistant to the propaedeutic-surgical clinic. In 1920, Levitsky emigrated to the KSCS, where he became a head surgeon, and from 1927, he was director of the hospital-sanatorium  in  Pančevo,  which  until  the  summer  of  1945  served  both  Russian  émigrés  and  the  local  population.  It  was  in Yugoslavia that Levitsky fully revealed himself as a brilliant organizer of the medical care, and as a surgeon and a public figure.
sing  the  example  of  his  activities  in  Yugoslavia,  the  authors  of  the  article  demonstrate  the  influence  of  Russian  medical émigrés community on the formation of the KSCS’s health system, and subsequently Yugoslavia’s. The general problems of Russian emigration to KSCS are considered, the features of the Russian medical diaspora are described, as are the activities of the Russian hospital-sanatorium in Pancevo, in which Levitsky worked. Archival materials that have become available to researchers of the Russian diaspora since February 2017 are introduced into scientific discourse. The research was carried out on the basis of materials from the archives of the collections of the Solzhenitsyn House for the Russian Diaspora in Moscow.


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How to Cite

E. Rozanova, I., & A. Trefilova, O. (2017). A Russian doctor in exile: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Levitsky (1883–1953). History of Medicine Ru, 4(2). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/169