Russian medical historian and psychiatrist Mikhail Lakhtin (1869−1930)
Mikhail Lakhtin, history of medicine, psychiatry, medical psychologyAbstract
This article presents material on the life and work of medical doctor Professor M.Yu. Lakhtin. Having graduated from Moscow University’s Medical Department in 1897, he made substantial contributions to the development of Russian science. One of the main fields of his scientific activity was the history of medicine. In 1901 Lakhtin began teaching as privatdozent at Moscow University’s Department of the History of Medicine. On his initiative the department introduced a course on the history of Russian medicine. In his works on the history of surgery Lakhtin devoted special attention not to the operation methods but to the evolution of medical opinions and their influence on surgery. Being the author of a series of works on Russian medicine in the 17th−18th centuries, he published and introduced to the scientific community many archival documents related to medicine in pre-Petrine and post-Petrine Russia. Lakhtin actively translated into Russian foreign scientific publications in various fields.
e collected and published extensive material on the history of the military-medical organization for assisting the wounded,on the development of hospital care and on surgical assistance to women in childbirth. He devoted special attention to the history of superstitions, prejudices and misconceptions related to diseases and to their analysis from the viewpoint of psychology and scientific outlooks. Lakhtin studied how various peoples in various eras interpreted obsession. He based his studies of the remnants of primitive outlooks in 20th-century society on scientific research conducted by his Western contemporaries. Of particular interest is his analysis of the symptoms of pathological altruism as a psychological disorder, which he observed in many cases both in life and in literature. As publisher and editor of a series of periodicals Lakhtin helped popularize the knowledge of medical psychology and psychiatry. He was a talented organizer of psychiatric aid to the mentally ill, in particular, to the soldiers and officers who had fought in the Russian-Japanese War and World War I. He also participated in the establishment of sanatoriums for the mentally ill and health insurance in Soviet Russia.
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Lakhtin M.Yu. K voprosu o reformirovanii zakonodatel’stva
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Lachtin M.Yu. Besooderzhimost’ v sovremennoy derevne.
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and psychological research. Presented at the Psychological
Society meeting, December 5, 1910]. Moscow, 1910.
P. 46. (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Starinnye pamyatniki meditsinskoy
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Lakhtin M.Yu. Iz proshlogo russkoy psikhiatrii. [From
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(in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Teoreticheskoe obosnovanie vmenyaemosti.
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neurology]. 1912; 4. (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Patologicheskiy al’truizm v literature
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and neurology]. 1912; 6, 7, 8. (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Sueverie v zhizni i v klinike. [Superstition
in life and in clinical practice]. Voprosy psikhiatrii i
nevrologii [Questions of psychiatry and neurology].
; 7: 289–297. (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Stradanie kak istochnik chelovecheskikh
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Lakhtin M.Yu. Khronika [Chronicle]. Voprosy psikhiatrii
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Lakhtin M.Yu. Mezhdunarodnye s’’ezdy po istorii
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medicine]. Vrachebnoe delo [Medical aff airs]. 1928; 6:
–434 (reprint). (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Novye podkhody v psikhopatologii.
[New approaches in psychopathology]. Pod znamenem
marksizma [Under the banner of Marxism]. 1928; 7:
–172. (in Russian)
Lakhtin M.Yu. Meditsinskoe myshlenie pervobytnogo
cheloveka. [The medical thinking of primitive man].
Vrachebnoe delo [Medical aff airs]. 1929; 24: 1545–1546
(Off print). (in Russian)
Mikhail Yurevich Lakhtin. Nekrolog [Obituary]. Byulleten’
Mosoblstrakhkassy. Ofi tsial’nyy organ Moskovskogo
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[Moscow region insurance office newsletter. The official
organ of the Moscow Region Social Security Committee].
July 1930; 18–19 (88–89): 14. (in Russian)
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