Some aspects of the history of zemstvo sanitary medicine’s development: on biography of I.I. Molleson


  • Irina V. Myasnikova FSBEI HE V.I. Razumovsky Saratov SMU MOH Russia 112 Bolshaya Kazachya St., Saratov 410012, Russia Author
  • Arkady I. Zavyalov FSBEI HE V.I. Razumovsky Saratov SMU MOH Russia 112 Bolshaya Kazachya St., Saratov 410012, Russia Author


I.I. Molleson, zemstvo doctor, sanitary doctor, public health


Milestones are presented in the life and work of I.I. Molleson (1842−1920) – one of the first zemstvo public health doctors of Russia. Having successfully graduated in 1865 from the Faculty of Medicine of the Imperial Kazan University, Molleson joined the zemstvo service in the Buguruslan county of Samara province, then worked as a factory physician in the Spassky Zaton in the Kazan province. From 1869, Molleson was a zemstvo doctor for the Yaransk county in the Vyatka province where,on behalf of the Zemstvo county assembly, he produced an expanded plan and program of responsibilities for the public health doctor. In June 1871, Molleson was invited by the chairman of the Perm provincial council, D.D. Smyshlyaev, to take up the position of attending physician at the Zemstvo district hospital, and in 1872 – to take the position of provincial public health doctor. A year later, Molleson first began working as a zemstvo doctor and then as a public health doctor in Shadrinsk district of the Perm province, where, at the county rural council, he organized and headed at Russia’s first medical and health council,which directed all the medical activities of the county. After the transfer of the medical-sanitary council to the advisory body,Molleson left as chairman of the service, and returned to the position of Zemstvo district doctor in the Olkhovsky medical district, where for the first time in Russia, charity funds were used to organize a seasonal nursery. During the Russian-Turkish War, he was drafted into the army, and served eight months as a regimental doctor. In 1879, for eight months, Molleson was seconded to fight the plague in the Astrakhan province. In 1881−1883, he worked as a zemstvo doctor in Irbit, then worked as an editor of two publications (Perm Zemstvo Digest and Perm Epidemiological Paper) in the Perm Province’s Zemstvo District. Thereafter, Molleson headed the public health bureau in Saratov (1889−1897), Tambov (1897−1906) and Kaluga (1906−1911) provinces. He actively participated in preparing and conducting provincial Zemstvo district doctor congresses,edited magazines, published a number of scientific papers on the state of the general population’s health and organized public health affairs. In conclusion, Molleson is considered to have made a significant contribution to the development of zemstvo public health medicine.


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How to Cite

V. Myasnikova, I., & I. Zavyalov, A. (2017). Some aspects of the history of zemstvo sanitary medicine’s development: on biography of I.I. Molleson. History of Medicine Ru, 4(1).