The contribution of the faculty surgery clinic named after N.N. Burdenko f I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute in the development f organ-preserving operations with vagotomy for treatment f peptic ulcer disease


  • Nikolay N. Krylov Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author
  • Elena A.Pyatenko Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 8 Trubetskaya St., building 2, Moscow 119991, Russia Author


peptic ulcer disease, surgical treatment, organ-preserving gastrectomy, vagotomy, history of medicine


The  formation  and  development  of  organ-preserving  operations  with  vagotomy  in  the  second  half  of  the  20th  century  in the faculty surgery clinic at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute is analyzed. The authors study the clinic when it was under the direction of academic M.I. Kuzin, during which the idea arose to reduce the negative effects of extensive resection of the  stomach  in  patients  with  peptic  ulcer.  At  first,  in  cases  of  peptic  ulcer  of  the  duodenum  and  later  in  cases  of  gastric ulcer,  the  clinics  staff  consistently  solved  difficult  issues  associated  with  pathogenetic  treatment.  From  organ-preserving gastrectomy  combined  with  stem  vagotomy,  the  clinic  moved  on  to  organ-preserving  and  pylorus-preserving  operations:
  selective  proximal  vagotomy  –  isolated  and  combined  with  duodenoplasty  in  cases  of  duodenal  ulcer.  From  large-scale gastrectomy to stem vagotomy with drainage of gastric ulcer. Surgeons developed a new operation of “expanded proximal selective vagotomy”, which allowed for adequate denervation of all parts of the acidogenic area of the stomach, and justified its use in cases of duodenal ulcer and the rejection of it in cases of stomach ulcer. The 30-year history of using different vagotomy variants led to a 10-fold reduction in mortality rates and eightfold reduction in patients becoming disabled. The staff of the P.M. Postolov Department of Surgery and Kuzin became laureates of the USSR State Prize in 1987. In order to prevent the development of reflux gastritis after stomach draining operations, the need to use the organ-sparing Roux method of stomach resection with anastomosis was substantiated. Retrospective analysis of treatment results, including the study of quality of life before and during a period from five to 25 years after surgery, provided for the formulation of an algorithm for individualized care to patients with peptic ulcer disease.


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How to Cite

N. Krylov, N., & A.Pyatenko, E. (2016). The contribution of the faculty surgery clinic named after N.N. Burdenko f I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute in the development f organ-preserving operations with vagotomy for treatment f peptic ulcer disease. History of Medicine Ru, 3(4).