The Ukrainian Scientific Society of Medical Historians


  • Konstantin K. Vasylyev Odessa National Medical University 2 Valikhovskiy Lane, Odessa, 65082, Ukraine Author
  • Yuriy K. Vasylyev Sumy State University 2 Rimskogo-Korsakova St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine Author


history of medicine, medical history societies, Ukrainian Society of Medical Historians


The  article  discusses  the  activities  of  the  Ukrainian  Scientific  Society  of  Medical  Historians  in  the  Soviet  (1959–1991)and post-Soviet (from 1991) periods. The authors emphasize its connection with the All-Union Scientific Medical History Society, the creation of which in 1946 provided for the formation of republic-wide and city-based (regional) societies. The article contains biographical information regarding the chairmen of the Ukrainian Scientific Medical History Society (from 1971 – the Ukrainian Republican Scientific Society of Medical Historians): K.F. Duplenko, K.G. Vasylyev, A.A. Grando,B.P. Kryshtop and other Ukrainian historians of medicine. The article covers their research. The work of the society’s Ukrainian medical history conferences, as well as the all-union and international congresses and conferences, which were attended by Ukrainian historians of medicine, are also covered. The authors pay particular attention to local medical history societies established in different cities of the Ukrainian SSR (in Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv, and others) and the interregional, regional and city conferences held by these societies. Also reviewed is the work of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Medical Historians after the collapse of the Soviet Union under new socio-economic and political conditions. Deprived of planned state support, the regional medical history societies’ disorganization is mentioned. As an example of the achievements of the Ukrainian society of medical historians in the1990s and 2000s, the authors chronicle the medical history conferences held on the initiative of individual researchers in Nikolaev, Kiev, Ternopil, and Sumy, as well as the participation of Ukrainian medical historians in a number of international scientific congresses and conferences.


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Istoriya meditsiny i zdravookhraneniya Ukrainskoy SSR.

Nauchno-vspomogatel’nyy ukazatel’ literatury. 1918–

gg. (History of medicine and health care in the

Ukrainian SSR. Scientific support literature index. 1918–

. Kiev, 1982. 622 p. [in Russian]

Barsukov M.I. Sovetskaya obshchestvennost’ i izuchenie

istorii meditsiny (Soviet society and the study of the history

of medicine). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1947; 5: 48–51. [in Russian]

Dvadtsat’ let Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo istoriko meditsinskogo obshchestva. 1946–1966 gg. (Istoricheskiy

ocherk) [Twenty years of the All-Union Scientific Medical

History Society. 1946–1966 (Historical review)].

Materialy Tret’ey Vsesoyuznoy nauchnoy istorikomeditsinskoy konferentsii (Proceedings of the Third

All-Union Scientific Medical History Conference).

Moscow; Leningrad, 1967. P. 5–16. [in Russian]

Verkhratskiy S.A. Vklad Ivano-Frankovskogo

istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva v razvitie istorikomeditsinskoy nauki (The contribution of the IvanoFrankovsky Medical History Society in the development

of historical-medical science). Nauchnye meditsinskie

obshchestva zapadnykh oblastey USSR, ikh rol’ i

znachenie v razvitii zdravookhraneniya, meditsinskoy

nauki i podgotovke nauchnykh kadrov. Tret’ya

mezhoblastnaya nauchnaya istoriko-meditsinskaya

konferentsiya, 25–26 noyabrya: tezisy dokladov

(Scientific medical societies of the western regions of

the Ukrainian SSR, their role and importance in the

development of health care, medical science and the

training of scientific personnel. The Third Interregional

Scientific Medical History Conference, November

–26: thesis abstracts). L’vov, 1969. P. 109–111.

[in Russian]

Shapiro I.Ya. Itogi i zadachi istorii meditsiny v zapadnykh

oblastyakh USSR (Results and issues in the history

of medicine in the western regions of the Ukrainian

SSR). K istorii meditsiny na Ukraine (na materialakh

zapadnykh oblastey USSR, Zakarpat’ya i Bukoviny)

[On the history of medicine in Ukraine (based on

materials of the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR,

Transcarpathia and Bukovina)]. L’vov, 1961. P. 5–12.

[in Russian]

Shapiro I.Ya. Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel’nosti

L’vovskogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny (The main

areas of activities of the Lviv Society of Medical Historians).

XXX let Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov

meditsiny. III Plenum pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo

nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny. AlmaAta, 28–30 sentyabrya 1976 g. (Thirty years of the AllUnion Scientific Society of Medical Historians. The

Third Plenary Meeting of the Board of the All-Union

Scientific Society of Medical Historians. Alma-Ata,

September 28–30, 1976). Moscow, 1976. P. 127–129.

[in Russian]

Grando A.A. Istoriko-meditsinskaya obshchestvennost’

USSR i ee zadachi (The medical history community of the

Ukrainian SSR and its tasks). Aktual’nye voprosy istorii

meditsiny v Ukrainskoy SSR (Topical issues in the

history of medicine in the Ukrainian SSR). Kiev, 1978.

P. 9–14. [in Russian]

Duplenko K.F. Pervaya Ukrainskaya istorikomeditsinskaya konferentsiya (The First Ukrainian Medical

History Conference). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

(Soviet health care). 1960; 3: 89. [in Russian]

Pervaya Ukrainskaya konferentsiya istorikov meditsiny

(The First Ukrainian Conference of Medical Historians).

Vrachebnoe delo (Medical affairs). 1960; 2: stb. 211–

[in Russian]

Shapiro I.Ya. Istoriko-meditsinskaya konferentsiya vo

L’vove (Medical history conference in Lvоv). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1960; 5: 88–89.

[in Russian]

Naukova istoryko-medychna konferencij a, prysvjachena

-richchju vozz’jednannja zahidnoukrai’ns’kyh zemel’

z URSR. 26–28 lystopada 1959 roku. Tezy dopovidej

(Scientific medical history conference dedicated to the

th anniversary of the reunification of western Ukraine

with the Ukrainian SSR. November 26‒28, 1959. Thesis

abstracts). L’vіv, 1959. 58 p. [in Ukrainian]

K istorii meditsiny na Ukraine (na materialakh

zapadnykh oblastey USSR, Zakarpat’ya i Bukoviny)

[On the history of medicine in Ukraine (based on

materials of the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR,

Transcarpathia and Bukovina)]. L’vov, 1961. 384 p.

Reviews: B.D. Petrov (Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

[Soviet health care]. 1962; 4: 73–74); I.D. Strashun

(Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie [Soviet health care].

; 6: 88–91). [in Russian]

Duplenko K.F. Kievskoe nauchnoe istoriko-meditsinskoe

obshchestvo (The Kiev Scientific Medical History Society).

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1960;

: 96. [in Russian]

Benyumov R.Ya.Kievskoe nauchnoe istoriko-meditsinskoe

obshchestvo v 1960 g. (The Kiev Scientific Medical History

Society in 1960). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet

health care). 1961; 9: 90–92. [in Russian]

Benyumov R.Ya. O rabote Kievskogo nauchnogo

istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva (On the work of the

Kiev Scientific Medical History Society). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1963; 1: 93.

[in Russian]

Benyumov R.Ya. O deyatel’nosti Kievskogo nauchnogo

istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva (On the activities of

the Kiev Scientific Medical History Society). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1964; 5: 94–95.

[in Russian]

Benyumov R.Ya. Iz opyta provedeniya istorikomeditsinskikh konferentsiy sovmestno s drugimi

nauchnymi obshchestvami na Ukraine (On the practice

of conducting medical history conferences in conjunction

with other scientific societies in Ukraine). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1966; 1: 91–92.

[in Russian]

Benyumov R.Ya. Deyatel’nost’ Kievskogo nauchnogo

istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva v 1966 g. (The

activities of the Kiev Scientific Medical History Society

in 1966). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1967; 8: 93–94. [in Russian]

Petrov P.T. O rabote sektsii istorikov meditsiny

Khar’kovskogo oblastnogo gigienicheskogo obshchestva

(On the work of the medical historians section of the Kharkiv

Regional Hygienic Society). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

(Soviet health care). 1963; 7: 91–93. [in Russian]

Petrov P.T. “V Khar’kove otmechayutsya istorikomeditsinskie daty…” [b.z.] (“Medical history dates

observed in Kharkiv…” [without a title]). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1967; 5: 95–96.

[in Russian]

Petrova Z.P. Tovaristvo іstorikіv meditsini. 140-letie

Khar’kovskogo meditsinskogo obshchestva. 1861–2001.

Sb. ocherkov i statey po istorii deyatel’nosti (Medical

historians society. The 140th anniversary of the Kharkov

Medical Society. A collection of essays and articles on

the history of its work). Khar’kov, 2002. P. 166–176.

[in Ukrainian]

Petrov B.D. Nauchnaya konferentsiya po istorii gigieny

i sanitarii na Ukraine (The scientific conference on the

history of hygiene and sanitation in Ukraine). Gigiena i

sanitariya (Hygiene and sanitation). 1961; 12: 90–93.

[in Russian]

Programma i tezisy Ukrainskoy respublikanskoy nauchnoy

konferentsii po istorii gigieny i sanitarii (Program and

theses of the Ukrainian Republican Scientific Conference

on the History of Hygiene and Sanitation). Kiev, 1961.

p. [in Russian]

Materialy k istorii gigieny i sanitarii na Ukraine (Materials

on the history of hygiene and sanitation in the Ukraine).

Sb. vtoroy (Second collection). Ed. D.N. Kaljuzhnyj,

A.A. Grando. Kiev, 1962. 318 p. [in Russian]

Duplenko K.F. 3-ya Ukrainskaya istoriko-meditsinskaya

konferentsiya (The Third Ukranian Medical History

Conference). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1964; 1: 86–88. [in Russian]

Duplenko K.F. Istoriko-meditsinskaya obshchestvennost’

USSR. Istoriya vysshego meditsinskogo obrazovaniya i

nauchnykh meditsinskikh shkol Ukrainy (The medical

history community of the Ukrainian SSR. The history

of higher medical education and scientific medical

schools in Ukraine). Materialy k III Ukrainskoy

istoriko-meditsinskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy

-letiyu Kievskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo

Znameni meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika

A.A. Bogomol’tsa (Materials for the Third Ukrainian

Medical History Conference devoted to the 120th

anniversary of Kiev Red Labor Banner Academic

A.A. Bogomolets Medical Institute). Kiev, 1962.

P. 126–130. [in Russian]

Duplenko K.F. Istoriko-meditsinskaya obshchestvennost’

USSR i puti dal’neyshego razvitiya ee deyatel’nosti (The

medical history community of the Ukrainian SSR and

the further development of its activities). Ocherki istorii

vysshego meditsinskogo obrazovaniya i nauchnykh

meditsinskikh shkol na Ukraine (Essays on the history

of higher medical education and scientific medical

schools in Ukraine). Eds. V.D. Bratus’, A.L. Mikhiev,

K.F. Duplenko, R.Ya. Benyumov. Kiev, 1965. P. 18–26.

[in Russian]

Istoriya vysshego meditsinskogo obrazovaniya i

nauchnykh meditsinskikh shkol Ukrainy (Essays on

the history of higher medical education and scientific

medical schools in Ukraine). Materialy k III Ukrainskoy

istoriko-meditsinskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy

-letiyu Kievskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo

Znameni meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika

A.A. Bogomol’tsa (Materials for the Third Ukrainian

Medical History Conference devoted to the 120th

anniversary of Kiev Red Labor Banner Academic

A.A. Bogomolets Medical Institute). Kiev, 1962. 168 p.

[in Russian]

Ocherki istorii vysshego meditsinskogo obrazovaniya i

nauchnykh meditsinskikh shkol na Ukraine (Essays on the

history of higher medical education and scientific medical

schools in Ukraine). Eds. V.D. Bratus’, A.L. Mikhiev,

K.F. Duplenko, R.Ya. Benyumov. Kiev, 1965. 264 p.

Review: V.Ch. Brzheskij (Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

(Soviet health care). 1966; 4: 77–79). [in Russian]

Mizhoblastna naukova istotko-medychna konferencij a,

prysvjachena XXV-richchju vozz’jednannja

zahidnoukrai’ns’kyh zemel’ z URSR. 16–18 lystopada

r. Tezy dopovidej. Pid. red. I.Ja. Shapiro i

L.M. Sichkoriza. (Interregional scientific medical

history conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of

the reunification of western Ukraine with the Ukrainian

SSR November 16–18, 1964. Thesis abstracts). Eds.

І.Ya. Shapіro, L.M. Sіchkorіz. L’vіv, 1964. 165 p.

[in Ukrainian]

Burikhin T.N., Shapiro I.Ya. Istoriko-meditsinskaya

konferentsiya vo L’vove (The Medical History Conference

in L’vov). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1965; 4: 101–103. [in Russian]

Lisitsyn Yu.P. O rabote Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo

istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva (On the work of the

All-Union Scientific Medical History Society). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1960; 5: 85–86.

[in Russian]

Tezisy dokladov Ternopol’skoy oblastnoy istorikomeditsinskoy konferentsii. Dekabr’ 1967 goda (Abstracts

from the Ternopil Region Medical History Conference.

December 1967). Ternopol’, 1967. 36 p. [in Russian]

Gol’d E.Yu. Plenum pravleniya Ukrainskogo

respublikanskogo istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva (The

plenum of the Ukrainian Republican Medical History

Conference). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1969; 4: 87–88. [in Russian]

Golyachenko A.M. Istoriko-meditsinskoe soveshchanie po

muzeynomu delu na Ukraine (Medical history meeting on

museum affairs in Ukraine). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

(Soviet health care). 1969; 4: 90–92. [in Russian]

Kiselev A.F. Iz opyta raboty Nikolaevskogo oblastnogo

nauchnogo istoriko-meditsinskogo obshchestva (On the

work of the Nikolaev Region Scientific Medical History

Society). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health

care). 1977; 6: 82–84. [in Russian]

Kiselev A.F. Rol’ oblastnogo obshchestva istorikov

meditsiny v ideologicheskoy i vospitatel’noy rabote sredi

meditsinskikh rabotnikov (The role of the regional society

of historians of medicine in ideological and educational work among health care workers). In: Itogi i perspektivy

issledovaniy po istorii meditsiny (Results and prospects

for the history of medicine). Tashkent, 1980. P. 286–

[in Russian]

Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii,

posvyashchennoy 225-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya

vydayushchegosya otechestvennogo epidemiologa Danily

Samoylovicha (19–21 iyunya 1969 g.) [Proceedings of

the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 225th

anniversary of outstanding Russian epidemiologist Danil

Samoilovich (June 19–21, 1969)]. Nikolaev, 1969. 64 p.

[in Russian]

Umerenkov A. Vrach, uchenyy, gumanist. K 225-letiyu

so dnya rozhdeniya D. Samoylovicha (Doctor, scientist

and humanist. On the 225th anniversary of the birth of

D. Samoilovich). Yuzhnaya pravda. 1969; 22 iyunya: 3.

[in Russian]

Khomenko A.T. Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya,

posvyashchennaya 225-y godovshchine so dnya rozhdeniya

Danily Samoylovicha (g. Nikolaev, iyun’ 1969) [Scientificpractical conference devoted to the 225th anniversary of

the birth of Danil Samoilovich (Nikolaev, June 1969)].

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1970;

: 86–87. [in Russian]

Kiselev A.F. Rol’ Nikolaevskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo

obshchestva istorikov meditsiny v obobshchenii istoricheskogo

naslediya v oblasti meditsiny i zdravookhraneniya (The

role of the Nikolaev Regional Scientific Society of Medical

Historians in the compilation of historical heritage in the

field of medicine and health care). XXX let Vsesoyuznogo

nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny. III Plenum

pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva

istorikov meditsiny. Alma-Ata, 28–30 sentyabrya 1976 g.

(Thirty years of the All-Union Scientific Society of

Medical Historians. The Third Plenary Meeting of the

Board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Medical

Historians. Alma-Ata, September 28–30, 1976).

Moscow, 1976. P. 130–131. [in Russian]

Shapiro I.Ya., Burikhin T.N., Latyk I.V. Nauchnaya

istoriko-meditsinskaya konferentsiya vo L’vove (The

Scientific Medical History Conference in L’vov). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1970; 6: 91–94.

[in Russian]

Nauchnye meditsinskie obshchestva zapadnykh oblastey

USSR, ikh rol’ i znachenie v razvitii zdravookhraneniya,

meditsinskoy nauki i podgotovke nauchnykh kadrov

(Scientific Medical Societies of the Western Regions of

the Ukrainian SSR, their role and importance in the

development of health care, medical science and the

training of scientific personnel). Tret’ya mezhoblastnaya

nauchnaya istoriko-meditsinskaya konferentsiya. 25–26

noyabrya. Tezisy dokladov (The Third Interregional

Scientific Medical History Conference. November

–26. Abstracts). Eds. M.V. Danilenko, I.Ya. Shapiro.

L’vov, 1969. 154 p. [in Russian]

V Ukrainskaya respublikanskaya nauchnaya istorikomeditsinskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya

-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya V.I. Lenina. 18–19 marta

goda. Priglasitel’nyy bilet i programma (The

Fifth Ukrainian Republican Scientific Medical History

Conference, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the

birth of V.I. Lenin. March 18–19, 1970. Invitation and

program). Odessa, 1970. 11 p. [in Russian]

Materialy V Respublikanskoy nauchnoy istorikomeditsinskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu

so dnya rozhdeniya V.I. Lenina (Proceedings of Fifth

Republican Scientific Medical History Conference,

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of

V.I. Lenin). Nikolaev, 1970. 56 p. [in Russian]

Osipova E.R. “V Odesse 18–19/III 1970 g. prokhodila

V Ukrainskaya respublikanskaya nauchnaya istorikomeditsinskaya konferentsiya…” [b.z.] (“In Odessa, March

–19, 1970, the Fifth Ukrainian Republican Scientific

Medical History Conference was held ...” [without title]).

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1970;

: 92–93. [in Russian]

Programma nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy

-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya I.I. Mechnikova (The

program of the scientific conference devoted to the 125th

anniversary of the birth of I.I. Mechnikov). Kishinev,

4 p. [in Russian]

Vydayushchiysya russkiy uchenyy (An outstanding

Russian scientist). Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii,

posvyashchennoy 125-letiyu I.I. Mechnikova (The

proccedings of the scientific conference devoted to the

th anniversary of I.I. Mechnikov). Kishinev, 1971.

p. [in Russian]

Programma V plenuma Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo

obshchestva istorikov meditsiny i seminara-simpoziuma po

aktual’nym voprosam istorii meditsiny i zdravookhraneniya

(Program for the fifth plenum of the All-Union Scientific

Society of Medical Historians and seminar-workshop on

topical issues in the history of medicine and health care).

Vinnitsa, 1972. 18 p. [in Russian]

Shilinis Yu.A. V plenum pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo

nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny,

posvyashchennyy 50-letiyu obrazovaniya Soyuza SSR

(The fifth plenary session of the All-Union Scientific

Society of Medical Historians dedicated to the 50th

anniversary of the founding of the USSR). Sovetskoe

zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1972; 11: 89.

[in Russian]

Revenok N.D. Khersonskoe oblastnoe nauchnoe istoriko-meditsinskoe obshchestvo (Kherson Region Scientific

Medical History Society). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie

(Soviet health care). 1973; 8: 90–94. [in Russian]

Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 100-letiyu sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy sluzhby

na Khersonshchine (21–22 noyabrya 1974 g.) [ScientificPractical Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of

the Kherson Region sanitary-epidemiological service (November 21–22, 1974)]. Kherson, 1974. 12 p. [in Russian]

Kokhan A.I. K 100-letiyu sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy

sluzhby i 1-go gubernskogo s’ezda vrachey Khersonshchiny On the 100th anniversary of the sanitary-epidemiological

service and the First Provincial Congress of Kherson doctors). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care).

; 6: 90–91. [in Russian]

Revenok N.D., Strelkovskiy K.M. Iz opyta raboty Khersonskogo oblastnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny (On

the work of Kherson Region Society of Medical Historians). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care).

; 2: 93–94. [in Russian]

Grando A.A. Deyatel’nost’ Ukrainskogo nauchnogo

obshchestva istorikov meditsiny. XXX let Vsesoyuznogo

nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny (Activities of

Ukrainian Scientific Society of Medical Historians. Thirty

years of the All-Union Scientific Society of Medical Historians). III Plenum pravleniya Vsesoyuznogo nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny. Alma-Ata, 28–30

sentyabrya 1976 g. (The Third Plenary Meeting of the

Board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Medical

Historians. Alma-Ata, September 28–30, 1976). Moscow, 1976. P. 111–115. [in Russian]

Grando A.A., Vilenskiy Yu.G., Lysenko E.A. Ukrainskaya respublikanskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya istorikov meditsiny (Ukrainian Republican Scientific

Conference of Medical Historians). Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1977; 8: 93–94.

[in Russian]

Aktual’nye voprosy istorii meditsiny v Ukrainskoy

SSR (Topical issues in the history of medicine in the

Ukrainian SSR). Kiev, 1978. 192 p. [in Russian]

Grando A.A. Istoriko-meditsinskaya obshchestvennost’

USSR i ee zadachi (The medical history society in the

Ukranian Soviet Republic and its issues). Aktual’nye

voprosy istorii meditsiny v Ukrainskoy SSR (Topical

issues in the history of medicine in the Ukrainian SSR).

Kiev, 1978. P. 9–14. [in Russian]

Programma respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy

konferentsii, posvyashchennoy dal’neyshemu uvekovecheniyu pamyati akademika Daniila Kirillovicha

Zabolotnogo “Voprosy profilaktiki i bor’by s infektsionnymi

zabolevaniyami” (The program of the republican scientificpractical conference dedicated to further perpetuating the

memory of academic Danil Kirillovich Zabolotny “Issues

in the prevention and control of infectious diseases”).

Vinnitsa, 1980. 8 p. [in Russian]

Voprosy profilaktiki i bor’by s infektsionnymi zabolevaniyami (Issues in the prevention and control of

infectious diseases). Tezisy dokladov nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy

dal’neyshemu uvekovecheniyu pamyati ob akademike

Daniile Kirilloviche Zabolotnom i 60-letiyu

organizatsii pervoy v mire kafedry epidemiologii

(Abstracts from the scientific-practical conference

dedicated to further perpetuating the memory of

academic Danil Kirillovich Zabolotny and the 60th

anniversary of the organization of the world’s first

Department of Epidemiology). Vinnitsa, 1980. Part

40 p. [in Russian]

Programma VIII Respublikanskoy istoriko-meditsinskoy

konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 40-letiyu Pobedy

sovetskogo naroda v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne. 21–

iyunya 1985 g. (The program of the Eighth Republican

Medical History Conference dedicated to the 40th

anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great

Patriotic War. June 21–22, 1985). Khmel’nitskiy, 1985.

p. [in Russian]

Oblastnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya

meditsinskikh rabotnikov, posvyashchennaya 200-letiyu

g. Nikolaeva (Tezisy dokladov k predstoyashchey

konferentsii) [Regional scientific-practical conference of

medical personnel, dedicated to the 200th anniversary

of the city of Nikolaev (Abstracts from the upcoming

conference)]. Nikolaev, 1989. 52 p. [in Russian]

Kiselev A.F., Chmel’ A.D. Plenum Vsesoyuznogo

nauchnogo obshchestva istorikov meditsiny (Plenary of

the All-Union Scientific Society of Medical Historians).

Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie (Soviet health care). 1990;

: 79–80. [in Russian]

Programa regional’noi’ naukovo-praktychnoi’ konferencii’

medychnyh pracivnykiv Mykolai’vshhyny, prysvjachenoi’

richchju mista Ochakova (The program for the regional

scientific-practical conference of medical personnel,

dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the city of Ochakov)

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How to Cite

K. Vasylyev, K., & K. Vasylyev, Y. (2016). The Ukrainian Scientific Society of Medical Historians. History of Medicine Ru, 3(3).