Smallpox vaccination in the Transbaikal region from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century)


  • Sergey D. Batoev V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Scientific and Practical Center of Special Medical Care for Children 38 Aviatorov St., Moscow, 119620, Russia Author


smallpox, vaccination, detrital products, Old Believers, Verkhneudinsk, Nerchinsk


The article presents the results of research on smallpox vaccination in the Transbaikal region. It explores the history of smallpox vaccination from the moment of its introduction by advocate doctors to the start of organized public programs throughout the region. In the 18th to early 20th century, Transbaikal had a high death rate from smallpox. As a result, vaccination of the  population  of  Transbaikal  was  an  urgent  public  health  issue.  From  1770,  vaccinations  began  to  be  carried  out  in  the West Transbaikal town of Barguzin (in the present-day Republic of Buryatia). However, the vaccinations were not conducted in  a  systematic  way  and  were  only  carried  out  by  advocate  doctors.  In  East  Transbaikal,  smallpox  vaccinations  were  first carried  out  in  the  town  of  Nerchinsk  (in  the  present-day  Chita  region)  in  1809−1811.  The  author  proposes  that  1811  be considered the beginning of planned public programs for mass smallpox vaccinations throughout the territory of Transbaikal.
he indigenous Buryat population was, in general, happy to be vaccinated against smallpox, but there were never enough vaccination  specialists  or  vaccines.  Due  to  their  way  of  life,  the  residents  of  Old  Believer  villages  resisted  mass  smallpox vaccination for a long time, so the mortality rate among them was higher than among the indigenous population. Gradually,thanks to systematic government programs and the efforts of medical personnel in the Transbaikal area, residents came to an understanding of the need for vaccinations against the deadly disease. Vaccinations were actively conducted by vaccination scholars from among the peasants and indigenous people who were paid and received benefits for this. On the basis of archival materials, the situation with children’s vaccination against smallpox in Transbaikal is provided for different years. The main problems that prevented smallpox vaccination in this region of Russia are given (a lack of specialists, insufficient quantity of vaccine, the difficulty of transporting it to the region and the negative attitude of the residents of the Old Believer villages towards vaccinations, and others reasons). Children and adults, including convicts, were vaccinated. The Transbaikal region was not able to organize the production of materials for smallpox vaccines. Deliveries of detrital products to Transbaikal were carried out from Saint Petersburg, Orel, Krasnoyarsk, and Tomsk.


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How to Cite

D. Batoev, S. (2016). Smallpox vaccination in the Transbaikal region from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century). History of Medicine, 3(2).