On some methodological issues in the history of medicine egarding the origins and development of cardiac surgery nd its relationship with cardiology


  • Sergey P. Glyantsev A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery 135 Roublyevskoe Shosse, Moscow 121552, Russia Author


methodology of the history of medicine, cardiac surgery, cardiology, their development and relationships


This  article  discusses  some  of  the  controversial  methodological  issues  in  the  history  of  medicine,  concerning such major fields as cardiology and cardiac surgery, their origins and development as well as their relationship as mutually complementary disciplines (specializations).
It  is  demonstrated  that,  despite  the  abundance  of  literature  presented  on  the  “origins”  of  cardiac  surgery  from  1810  (the first  procedure  on  wounds  of  the  heart)  to  1953  (the  first  surgery  for  heart  disease  under  direct  vision),  its  “origins”  may be  determined  depending  on  the  goals  of  each  individual  piece  of  research,  and  do  not  always  coincide  with  its  “birth”.
hus, according to the author, clinical cardiac surgery, or “cardiоlogical surgery”, originated in 1938 (in the USA) and in 1948  (in  Russia)  with  surgery  for  patent  ductus  arteriosus,  and  was  born  in  the  1940-1950s  in  parallel  with  the  formation of clinical cardiology. These disciplines not only influenced each other but mutually enriched their theoretical, diagnostic and  therapeutic  potential.  So,  cardiology,  occupying  a  leading  position  in  the  treatment  of  diseases  of  the  heart,  blood vessels and the circulatory system, supplemented heart surgery methods with genetic diagnosis of heart defects and disease,electrophysiology of the heart, myocardial mapping and cellular technologies. In turn, cardiac surgery, which was successful in treating previously incurable patients, brought to cardiology not only new methods of diagnosis and treatment, but also new knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the heart muscle, the respiratory system and blood circulation, triggers and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias, “tornado” blood flow in the heart, etc.
Special attention is given to the definitions of concepts (origins and birth, formation and development, scientific discipline and medical specialization, their rankings, and more).


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How to Cite

P. Glyantsev, S. (2016). On some methodological issues in the history of medicine egarding the origins and development of cardiac surgery nd its relationship with cardiology. History of Medicine, 3(1). https://historymedjournal.com/HOM/index.php/medicine/article/view/131