Revisiting the historical periodization of cardiology in the USSR a discourse on some aspects of the history of Russian cardiology)


  • Vladimir I. Borodulin N.A. Semashko National Public Health Research Institute 12 Vorontsovo pole St., building 1, Moscow 109064, Russia Author
  • Aleksey V. Topolyanskiy The Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, he Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 20 Delegatskaya St., building 1, Moscow 127473, Russia Author


history of medicine, cardiology, cardiac surgery, periods in the history of cardiology


The  article  continues  this  journal’s  discourse  on  two  issues:  the  periodization  of  the  history  of  cardiology  in  the Soviet Union, and the impact of cardiac surgery on establishing cardiology as an independent scientific discipline. Dividing the development of cardiology in the USSR into three periods is proposed.  The first period relates to the first half of the 20th century, when cardiology evolved as a major area of research as part of the clinical practice of internal medicine. The founders of  Soviet  cardiology  were  D.D.  Pletnev,  G.F.  Lang,  N.D.  Strazhesko,  S.S.  Zimnitsky  and  V.F.  Zelenin.  Physicians  and surgeons studied issues of cardiovascular system pathology in parallel – independently of each other.  The second period – the 1950–1960s – is characterized by the separation of cardiology from clinical practice of internal medicine as an independent scientific discipline. The formal indicators of institutionalization and its most important achievements are examined. The leader of сardiology at the time was A.L. Myasnikov. Cardiac surgery’s role as one of the important factors that influenced the formation of cardiology in this period is demonstrated.  The third period – the 1970–1980s – marked the emergence of cardiology as an independent medical profession, the creation of a system of cardiac care across the country and the Cardiology Research Center in Moscow as its scientific and methodological center. These changes are associated with E.I. Chazov.  The successful development of surgical treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels continued; heart defects, coronary artery disease and cardiac arrhythmias became shared problems for therapists, cardiologists and surgeons. Accordingly, the main composition of patients in specialized departments of clinics and city hospitals changed. The article does not deal with further changes in cardiology in the 1990s.


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How to Cite

I. Borodulin, V., & V. Topolyanskiy, A. (2016). Revisiting the historical periodization of cardiology in the USSR a discourse on some aspects of the history of Russian cardiology). History of Medicine, 3(1).