ISSN 2409-5834

    Research Article

  1. Оn the problem of periodization in the history of medicine
    Dmitry A. Balalykin
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 203-221

  2. The history of clinical medicine in Russia: who fi nds their way into the pages of history?
    Vladimir I. Borodulin
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 222-229

  3. Galen on pharmacology: his scientifi c way of thinking and contribution to the pharmacology of Cyprus
    Athina Malapani
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 230-242

  4. I.P. Pavlov: a scholar and authority
    Nikita Yu. Pivovarov , Nataliya P. Shok
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 243-254

  5. Soviet dental prosthetics in the second half of the 20th century: availability and quality issues
    Vladimir V. Gonchar
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 255-265

  6. The Main Directorate for State Health Care (1916–1917): an establishment or partial formation?
    Mikhail N. Kozovenko
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 266-276

  7. Elena Ivanovna Kropacheva (1926–2013): the fate of the surgeon-professor
    Inna V. Pchelina, Yulia I. Aseeva
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 277-284

  8. The Ukrainian Scientifi c Society of Medical Historians
    Konstantin K. Vasylyev , Yuriy K. Vasylyev
    2016; Volume -3 , Issue -3 : Page: 285-303