ISSN 2409-5834

V.D. Shervinskiy – L.E. Golubinin Therapeutic School at the Imperial Moscow University and USSR Department of Internal Medicine: M.P. Konchalovsky’s School

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Vladimir I. Borodulin , Aleksey V. Topolianskiy


This article examines the history of the V.D. Shervinsky–L.E. Golubinin and M.P. Konchalovsky Scientifi c Schools at the medical faculty of Moscow University (1st Moscow Medical Institute). The authors see the Scientifi c School at the Clinic of Internal Diseases as a creative medical team having the following four features: the presence of a bright creative personality in the school's creator – a well-known doctor, teacher and researcher; a staff with scholars capable of going beyond the framework to independently and creatively develop their own ideas; a research program (new fi elds of research and conceptual or methodological approaches) launched by the founder of the school that unifi ed the research team; constant daily communications between teachers and students in medical and research activities as a condition for the formation of a unifi ed medical and scientifi c style, or "face" of the school. Konchalovsky's general therapeutic school was formed in the therapeutic hospital clinic of the 2nd Moscow State University (MSU), and became part of the Faculty Hospital of the 1st Moscow State University in the fi rst half of the 20th century

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