ISSN 2409-5834

The history of the work of the Russian Red Cross Society’s local branches in Manchuria

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Victoria V. Romanova


On the basis of archival documents, the formation process and activities of the local branches of the Russian Red Cross Society (RRCS) in Manchuria are examined. The branches were created in the late 19th to early 20th centuries during a period when the Russian Empire, as well as other countries, pursued an expansionist policy toward China. The first organizations emerged in Port Arthur and Dalian after Russia received a lease on the Kwantung Peninsula in 1898. They were engaged in collecting funds, opening hospitals and organizing nursing societies. In connection with the beginning of the Boxer Rebellion in China, which Russia participated in suppressing, and the unpreparedness of the RRCS leadership to quickly expand its activities in this regard, the work of local organizations was very important. After the Russian-Japanese War and the resulting loss of Kwantung, they ceased to exist.

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