ISSN 2409-5834

ABO Blood grouping and Rhesus factor: Association with ovarian reserve and the outcomes after in-vitro fertilization

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Adnan A. H. Al-Bdairi , Hanan Khudhair Hussein Al-kadhim , Suhaila F. Al-Shaikh, Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy


Background: The evidence currently available fair to suggest a relation between ABO grouping and women infertility such as antral follicles count, recurring miscarriage and live delivery. ABO antigens system was linked with some reproductive disorders, like endometriosis and ovarian cancer. Still, the link between blood grouping and infertility has been a topic of debate, even though some scholars support an absent association in various populations. Ovarian reserve (OR) denotes the potential reproductive capacity as a function of the quality and quantity of residual female oocytes. Around 10% of infertile women reveals reduced OR. Several revisions have described associations between the ABO groups and OR, and displayed that O blood group is more possible to have reduced OR. There is a deficient or debatable literature inspecting associations of ABO blood group with the OR among infertile females. To illuminate the relationship between ABO blood antigens and OR, the authors plan this study

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