ISSN 2409-5834

A Review Article on Alzheimers disease

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Rohit Pandey, Madhu Gupta, Shikha Singh, Neha Goel, Prabhakar Singh Tiwari and Surya Prakash Gupta


This is a comprehensive overview of Alzheimer's disease, covering its historical background, pathogenesis, classification, risk factors, global burden, prevention strategies, diagnostic methods, and treatment options. It's clear that Alzheimer's disease is a complex and multifaceted condition that poses significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. The distinction between Alzheimer's disease and dementia is particularly important to highlight, as is the ongoing research into disease-modifying treatments. The amyloid cascade hypothesis remains a focal point in understanding the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's, and while current pharmaceutical treatments focus on symptom management, there is hope for future therapies aimed at disease modification.

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