
  • Ayesha Fayyaz Speech and Language Pathologist at Govt. Secondary Special Education Centre Rahim Yar Khan Author
  • Faryal Ikram Speech and Language Pathologist In Cmh Multan, CEO of Rehman Rehabilation Center Author
  • Muzammil Nasir Speech Language Pathologist at Dear Life Rehabilitation Center for Specially-Abled Children and Youngsters Lahore Author
  • Madiha Manzoor Speech Language Pathologist at Dear Life Rehabilitation Center for Specially-Abled Children and Youngsters Lahore Author
  • Maham Ikram . Speech and Language Pathologist in Rehman Rehablitation Center Author
  • Kanwal Shahzadi Speech and Language Pathologist in Faizan Rehabilitation Center Lahore Author



Language, Regression, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Child health


Regression in Autism applies to the phenomenon of apparently normal early development followed by the loss of previously acquired skills and manifestation of symptoms of autism. Estimates of frequency of language regression range from 95-99%. The study was aimed to describe frequency of language regression and mean age of language regression in children with Autism Spectrum disorder. A questionnaire was developed based on early language milestones. it comprised of 23 skills. This retrospective study was conducted on a single group. The participants consisted of parents of 67 children with ASD (male 55, female 12). 65 parents out of 67 reported language regression during early years of life. The findings revealed significant regression in children with ASD. The mean regression age is between 1-2 years. Based on the findings it can be stated that language regression is a diagnostic feature of children with ASD, and the mean age of language regression is between 1-2 years of age and help to identify disorder as early as between 1-2 years of age for early intervention.


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How to Cite

Fayyaz, A., Ikram, F., Nasir, M., Manzoor, M., Ikram, M., & Shahzadi, K. (2024). LANGUAGE REGRESSION IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. History of Medicine, 10(2), 1190-1209.