Prevalence of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and its Association with Chronic Kidney Disease among Type-2 Diabetic Patients with the help of Ultrasonography


  • Kashif Shehzad Zohra Institute of Health Sciences Author
  • Hina Syed Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi Author
  • Saba Ashraf Bakhtawar Amin Medical and Dental College, Multan Author
  • Sadia Riaz COMSATS University, Islamabad Author
  • Sakarie Ahmed Saed University of Hargeisa, Somaliland Author
  • Halla Tariq PGY-1 at Mountain View Regional Medical Center USA Author
  • Sami Ali Babekir Ali Department of Rehabilitation Science, Al-Neelain University, Sudan Author
  • Dua Zhaira Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad Author
  • Ismat Zhaira Faculty of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad Author



Type-2 Diabetes, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Ultrasound.


The primary aim of our study was to investigate whether an association exists between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the heightened severity of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) among individuals diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Building upon previous research suggesting a potential connection, we undertook a cross-sectional study using non-probability sampling over a three-month period from July to September 2023 at Life Care Lab and Medical Diagnostic Center Rawalpindi. Our study encompassed Type-2 diabetic patients, regardless of age or gender, and focused on determining the grade of fatty liver disease through ultrasonographic assessments, categorized as Grade 1, 2, or 3. Notably, our study exclusively enrolled Type-2 diabetics who developed fatty liver disease in the absence of alcohol consumption, specifically excluding those whose fatty liver disease resulted from other causes such as Hepatitis B & C, Jaundice, or drug-related factors. Chronic kidney disease was defined based on various parameters, including glomerular filtration rate (GFR), Urine AlbuminCreatinine ratio (UACR), and Hemoglobin A1c levels. Importantly, we excluded patients with kidney disease attributable to factors other than diabetes. Our study cohort consisted of 300 Type-2 diabetes patients, comprising 63% males and 37% females. We categorized them into four age groups: 35-45 years, 46-55 years, 56-65 years, and >66 years. From the total population of our study there are 28% patients of chronic kidney disease and 54% have Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease while there were a 58% individuals of CKD who were suffering from NAFLD. To analyze our findings, we employed statistical tools within SPSS, revealing a Chi-square prevalence value of p = 0.034. This value strongly indicates the existence of a relationship between Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease in Type-2 diabetics. Furthermore, our results suggest that these patients often share few things in common that elevate their susceptibility to these conditions like advanced age, a higher grade of fatty liver disease. This research sheds light on the intricate interplay between CKD, NAFLD, and Type-2 diabetes, offering valuable insights for both clinical practice and future investigations in this field.


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How to Cite

Shehzad, K., Syed, H., Ashraf, S., Riaz, S., Ahmed Saed, S., Tariq, H., Ali Babekir Ali, S., Zhaira, D., & Zhaira, I. (2024). Prevalence of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and its Association with Chronic Kidney Disease among Type-2 Diabetic Patients with the help of Ultrasonography. History of Medicine Ru, 10(2), 1116-1127.