
  • Noshaba Razaq PhD Scholar at University of Haripur Author
  • Rashid Qayyum Professor of Psychiatry at Fazaia Medical College Author
  • Muhammad Naveed Khan Master Scholar in Public Health at International Jilin University China Author
  • Hafa Shaukat MBBS CMH Lahore medical College Lahore Author
  • Zunaira Naveed Assistant professor of Behavioral Sciences Department, Wah Medical College Texila (NUMS Author
  • Batool Arifa M.Phil Student at University of Haripur Author




Transgender, Gender-Affirmative Therapy, Self-Esteem, Psychological Well-Being, Socio-Economic Challenges, Pakistan.


 Background: Transgender individuals in Pakistan face significant socio-economic and educational challenges, which may impact their mental health and overall well-being.


Objective: The primary objectives is to evaluate the impact of gender-affirmative therapy on selfesteem and psychological well-being, and provide recommendations for improving support systems and informing policy.

Methods: The study involved 120 transgender participants, including transgender women, transgender men, and non-binary/genderqueer individuals. Data on demographics, educational levels, and employment status were collected. The effectiveness of gender-affirmative therapy was assessed using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) through pretest and posttest measures.

Results: The majority of participants were young, with 75% under the age of 35, and faced significant socio-economic challenges, including high illiteracy rates and limited formal employment opportunities. Post-therapy results showed a significant increase in self-esteem (mean  difference = 6.2, t = 5.89, p < 0.001) and a notable decrease in psychological distress (mean difference = -5.2, t = -4.73, p < 0.001).

Conclusion: Gender-affirmative therapy significantly improves self-esteem and psychological well-being among transgender individuals. However, systemic barriers to education and employment persist. The study highlights the need for culturally sensitive mental health services and policy changes to address these challenges and support transgender individuals in Pakistan. 


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How to Cite

Razaq, N., Qayyum, R., Naveed Khan, M., Shaukat, H., Naveed , Z., & Arifa , B. (2024). EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GENDER-AFFIRMATIVE THERAPY IN ENHANCING SELF ESTEEM AND WELL-BEING AMONG TRANSGENDER INDIVIDUALS. History of Medicine Ru, 10(2), 1084-1092. https://doi.org/10.17720/6m56ac16