Clinical experience of Tigecycline in pediatric and neonatal patients in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan”.


  • Falak Abro Assistant professor, department of Pediatrics Dow Medical university of Health sciences Karachi Author
  • Syeda Anum Fatima Clinical pharmacist , Aga khan university hospital Karachi Author
  • Nazia Bibi Assistant Professor ,Department of Pediatrics , Lady reading hospital Peshawar Author
  • Fozia Baloch Assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, Bilawal medical college for boys LUMHS Jamshoro Author
  • Sehrish Muzaffar Sehrish Muzaffar Registrar, Department of Pediatrics Liaquat university of LUMHS Jamshoro Author




The rise of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR) infections has led to fewer choices of antimicrobials in the pediatric population. Since tigecycline has in vitro activity against gram-positive and gram-negative infections, it can be used as a combination therapy in pediatric and neonatal populations.


To study tigecycline use for MDR and XDR infections, and microbiological and clinical outcomes in pediatrics and neonates.


Retrospective chart review was performed for twenty-eight pediatric and neonatal patients who received tigecycline at least 48 hours after a report of antimicrobial susceptibility at different culture sites. The outcomes observed were microbial eradication, clinical improvement, mortality, and adverse effects in the described patients.


The median duration of therapy was 11 days, and median length of stay in the hospital was 30 days. Twenty-two (78.6%) children were in the intensive care unit with median length of stay of 13 days. Microbiological eradication was checked in only twenty patients, achieved in 15 (75%) children with a median duration of 2.5 (2-3) days. The mortality rate of patients was 11 (39.3%), among which three (11%) had multidrug-resistant, seven (25%) had extensive drug-resistant, and one patient had a pan-sensitive pathogen. The highest rate of mortality was associated with bloodstream infections, although there was no statistical significance associated.


Tigecycline is an option for children mainly due to infections caused by MDR and XDR pathogens. More prospective and controlled trials are needed to determine the relationship between dosing and pharmacokinetic parameters for this population set.


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How to Cite

Abro, F., Anum Fatima, S., Bibi, N., Baloch, F., & Muzaffar, S. (2024). Clinical experience of Tigecycline in pediatric and neonatal patients in a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan”. History of Medicine, 10(2), 1062-1073.