The study of socioeconomic status, hematological variations and biochemical analysis among diabetic patients
Diabetes, Type I diabetes, Type II diabetes, Hematology, Biochemical changesAbstract
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease marked by increased blood glucose level, leads to long-term hyperglycemia. Socioeconomic situation has crucial role in glycemic management.
ematological changes can be caused by several factors. Blood tests for biochemical analysis are simplest way to monitor kidney function. The work aimed to assess the socioeconomic status and hematological variations with the biochemical changes among patients. The questionnaire Performa was designed to collect data during interview. The blood samples was collected for hematological and biochemical analysis. The significant demographic and clinical features among diabetic patients, with middle-aged, between 41 to 60 years, and more females with non-significant differences. More people reside in rural areas, but gender distribution between rural and urban was similar. Income status shows most patients were from lower middle class, with a notable gender disparity in upper middle class. Male smokers were significantly more prevalent,indicating higher health risk in this group. Blood tests reveal lower hemoglobin levels, elevated white blood cell counts, and possible anemia in case group, with signs of macrocytic anemia and blood disorders. Biochemically, the case group shows higher urea, random blood glucose, and sodium levels, indicating potential kidney dysfunction, poorly controlled diabetes, and hypernatremia. To conclude, the most diabetic patients were middle-aged, with no significant gender or residency differences. Blood tests indicate anemia, inflammation, kidney issues, and poorly controlled diabetes in the case group. This suggested the need for targeted interventions,for at-risk groups like middle-aged, rural, and lower-income individuals, with focus on male smoking habits.
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