Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Biochemical parameters, Serum albumin, Serum globulins, A/g ratio.Abstract
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem that needs extensive research efforts to address its multiple effects on individuals. This study inspects the biochemical alterations such as total proteins and A/G ratio associated with mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Study has been conducted in Institute of Biochemistry University of Sindh Jamshoro in coalition with Chest Centre disease Kotri, samples were collected from male and female ward of T.B from june 2022 to July 2023. Methods A case control study constitute a total 270 subjects, randomly selected 100 Samples of T.B patients and 100 age and gender matched healthy non T.B controls were recruited for biochemical changes carried by mycobacterium in Total proteins and A/G ratio in Tuberculosis patients. Statistical analysis was done on SPSS software. The detailed analysis on biochemical profile in patients with tuberculosis as serum total proteins level mean ± SD 6.97 + 0.63 than in controls mean ± SD 7.26 + 1.08, with a p-value of 0.022*, serum albumin level mean ± SD 4.91 + 1.14 than in controls mean ± SD 4.23 + 0.52, serum globulins levels mean ± SD 2.48 + 0.63 than in controls mean ± SD 3.03 + 0.71, serum A/G ratio mean ± SD 1.83 + 0.52 than in controls mean ± SD 1.43 + 0.25 with a p value of 0.000*, indicating results are statically significant.
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