
  • Khawar Ali Department of Molecular Biology Virtual University of Pakistan Author
  • Kiran Ramzan Institute of Microbiology, University of veterinary and animal sciences Lahore. Author
  • Hamza Imtiaz Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Author
  • Shagufta Abbas Department of zoology, The women University Multan. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Masood Ahmad Pharmacy College, Nishtar Medical University Multan Author
  • Dr. Saif-ur-Rehman Senior Demonstrator, CMH Multan Institute of Medical Sciences, Multan Author
  • Aisha Ramzan Government College, University Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Samina Alias Naina Institute of dentistry Liaquat University of medical and health sciences, jamshoro, Sindh Author
  • Hafsa Tajwar Ziauddin University Karachi. Author
  • Mehreen Arshad Author



Silver Green Nanoparticles (Ag0Nps), Characterization, Gram Negative Bacteria, Tryptic soy agar, Antibacterial activity, E.coli, S.typhimurium.


 Nanoparticles (NPs) of Metals like Gold (Au), Silver (Ag) and Zinc (Zn) are getting much more attention due to their non-Immunogenitic effect, Bio-sensing and Drug delivery in medicine and industry. The advantages of such NPs are of wide range as they are chemically stable and nonreactive to Oxygen. Due to wet chemical synthesis and Bio-molecular functioning, NPs performed very vital role in drug delivery, biosensors and Photo-thermal therapy. In this study Silver Nanoparticles AgNps were used to observe the effects of Ag0Nps on Gram Negative Resistant Bacteria. For the synthesis of Ag0Nps chemical reduction process was employed and reduction of Ag+ to Ag0 was done using Tetracycline capped Ag0Nps and they were also utilized as capping and reducing agent. The Ag0Nps synthesis was evaluated by UV– Vis absorption spectroscopy and their formation was confirmed by surface Plasmon absorption maxima at 407 nm. Crystalline nature of newly formed Ag0Nps was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction pattern. To study the antimicrobial activity, Gram  Resistant Bacterial Species like S.typhimurium and E.coli were selected. Antibiotic resistant Gram negative Bacterial Species like S.typhimurium and E.coli were cultured on Tryptic soy agar medium, to measure the zone of inhibition in mm scale qualitative well diffusion method was applied. Agar media was sterilized and was poured into Petri dishes to be freeze. To spread fresh microorganism (108CFU ml-1, CFU, colony-forming units) cultures on media surface a glass loop of L shape was used that was sterilized prior to use. The cavities were bored in the media by a pre-sterilized 5 mm diameter glass pipette. In cavities Ag0Nps and Tetracycline (10 µg/ml each) were injected serially and micropipettes were used and were allowed to diffuse for 1 hour. The antibiotic was marked as control. To observe the antibacterial activity at 370C these plates were incubated for about18-24h. The zone of inhibition was evaluated and measured, and results indicated the remarkable antimicrobial activity of Green Ag0Nps on antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative Bacteria. The recent findings can be extended equally for pollutant water against further gram-negative bacteria species except S.typhimurium and E. coli. However, further studies are suggested for better insight.  


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How to Cite

Ali, K., Ramzan, K., Imtiaz, H., Abbas, S., Masood Ahmad, M., Rehman, S.- ur-., Ramzan, A., Alias Naina, S., Tajwar, H., & Arshad, M. (2024). THE THERAPUTICEFFECTS OF GREEN SILVER NANOPARTICLES ON GRAM NEGATIVE RESISTANT BACTERIA; A NOVAL TREATMENT TO COMBAT MULTIDRUG RESISTANT BACTERIA. History of Medicine, 10(2), 887-896.