
  • Dr Asif Yousaf Post Graduate Resident, Orthopedics Department, Gujranwala Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Dr Qudous Ul Hassan Post Graduate Resident, DHQ Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Dr Muhammad Salman Khalil Uppal Senior Registrar, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Gujranwala Medical College and Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Dr Nabeel Yazdani Senior Registrar, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Gujranwala Medical College and Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Dr Syed Asif Ali Professor and HOD, Department Orthopaedics, Gujranwala Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Dr Jahangir Ahmad PGR Orthopedic Surgery, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore Author
  • Dr Tayyab Shoaib Assistant Professor, Department Orthopaedics, Gujranwala Teaching Hospital Gujranwala Author
  • Sidrat ul muntaha Department of Zoology, University of Peshawar Author



 Road traffic accidents, sports injuries, and falls are common causes of trauma for distal femur fractures, particularly in elderly patients. For these fractures, locking plates are a frequently utilized surgical technique because they offer stability and encourage fracture healing, enabling patients to restore function and early mobility. When compared to conventional compression plates, locking plates offer superior construction and superior stability over screwlocked, fixed-angled construction. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the shortterm effects of locking compression plate treatment on pain reduction, knee joint range of motion (ROM), and radiological results following distal femur fractures 


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How to Cite

Yousaf, A., Ul Hassan, Q., Salman Khalil Uppal, M., Yazdani, N., Asif Ali, S., Ahmad, J., Shoaib, T., & ul muntaha, S. (2022). FUNCTIONAL OUTCOME OF DISTAL FEMUR FRACTURE MANAGED VIA DISTAL FEMUR LOCKING PLATE. History of Medicine, 8(1).