The impact of a rehabilitation program on the partial tear of the internal knee joint's ligament for athletes


  • Ali Hassan Hamsh Al Al- Furat Al-Awsat Technicl University /College Euphrates of Health and Medical Technologies Kufa/ Najaf/Iraq Author
  • Obaidi Al- Furat Al-Awsat Technicl University /College Euphrates of Health and Medical Technologies Kufa/ Najaf/Iraq Author



Rehabilitation program, partial tear and internal knee.


The researcher touched on the subject of sports injuries and the rapid development in training methods and training curricula that are commensurate with the digital achievements achieved, which negatively reflected on the health and safety of the athlete, who bears the responsibility of high-intensity physical effort and high training loads, as well as the development of the technical and tactical aspect in various sports activities, which requires the player to change rapidly in performance and then physical and motor abilities commensurate with this development.


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How to Cite

Hamsh Al , A. H., & Obaidi. (2025). The impact of a rehabilitation program on the partial tear of the internal knee joint’s ligament for athletes. History of Medicine Ru, 11(1), 1-8.