A Realtime Bluetooth Integrated Smart Wheelchair for Physically Challenged Individuals


  • Dr. P. Anil, P. Sujatha, Varuni Chikka ,Gavaskar Jetti, Nanda Kishore Reddy K, Battu Vinay Kumar Author




Smart wheelchair, Accelerometer, Arduino UNO, High torque DC motor.


This abstract presents a novel solution for physically challenged individuals, specifically those who rely  on wheelchairs for mobility. The proposed solution involves the development of a Bluetooth-controlled  real-time wheelchair system, which is complemented by a mobile application. The system utilizes the  HC-05 Bluetooth module, an Arduino UNO microcontroller, high torque DC motors, a 20A motor driver circuit, and a 12V, 7Amp battery. The objective of this project is to enhance the mobility and  independence of physically challenged individuals by providing them with an easy-to-use and efficient  wheelchair control mechanism. 


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How to Cite

Dr. P. Anil, P. Sujatha, Varuni Chikka ,Gavaskar Jetti, Nanda Kishore Reddy K, Battu Vinay Kumar. (2024). A Realtime Bluetooth Integrated Smart Wheelchair for Physically Challenged Individuals . History of Medicine, 10(2), 1899-1905. https://doi.org/10.48047/