Investigating the Correlation between Anxiety and Writing Proficiency of University Undergraduates


  • Muhammad Kamran M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Rashid Mahmood Professor, Department of English, Riphah International University, Faisalabad Pakistan Author
  • Ifrah Fatima Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Rashid Mahmood Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Rashid Mahmood Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Applied Linguistics, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan Author



anxiety, writing proficiency, cognitive, somatic, pearson correlation, spss, Pakistan, GCUF, Faisalabad, undergraduates


The primary purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation between anxiety levels of university undergraduate students and their writing ability. This study employed a correlational research approach, utilizing Cheng's (2004) Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory questionnaire (SLWAI), which consists of 22 items divided into three sections: somatic anxiety, avoidance behavior, and cognitive anxiety. Additionally, we provided blank papers to the participants so they could write an argumentative essay. This study involved a sample of 100 students enrolled in the Department of Applied Linguistics at Government College University Faisalabad. Statistically analyzed the collected data using SPSS, Pearson correlation, independent sample t-test, group statistics (gendered base difference), and other descriptive statistical tools for this study. This study showed a negative correlation between anxiety and the writing proficiency of university undergraduates. The Pearson correlation showed a value of -0.041, and the P-value was 0.689. Results showed a non-significant association between these two variables. The results of this study focused on students in their second and fourth semesters, aligned with previous studies identifying the complex relationship between anxiety and writing proficiency in academic settings. This research contributes to the understanding of the relationship between writing anxiety and writing skill among university undergraduates, highlighting the psychological factors that influence academic writing capabilities and providing guidance on reducing anxiety levels to improve writing abilities


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How to Cite

Kamran, M., Mahmood, R., Fatima, I., Fatima, I., & Asim Khan, M. (2024). Investigating the Correlation between Anxiety and Writing Proficiency of University Undergraduates. History of Medicine Ru, 10(2), 2005-2026.