Exploring Morphological Processes in Generation Z Slangs in Netflix Series One of Us is Lying


  • Shanza Abid BS (Hons) English, Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Fatima Shahid BS (Hons) English, Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Mehreen Anwar BS (Hons) English, Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author
  • Ifrah Fatima Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan Author




Generation Z, Morphology, Slangs, Linguistic Features, Social Media


The current study endeavors to explore the linguistic patterns and Generation Z slangs in the Netflix series “One of Us is Lying" by analyzing how these patterns have contributed to cultural identity and communication norms while intensifying the emotional impact in characters’ dialogues. To achieve the objective, the data for the current study is comprised of selected dialogues from eight episodes through the non-probability sampling technique. By employing the categories defined by Jeresano and Carretero's (2022) research framework, i.e., initialism, spelling distortion, euphemism, suffixation, connotation, fancy formation, clipping, and compounding, the analysis has demonstrated that Gen Z slangs, as depicted in the series, investigate how inventive morphological processes like initialism and clipping have reflected the adaptive, innovative attitudes of contemporary youth and spread the acceptance of new slang terms. In addition, cultural reflections and emotional significance of language are also explored through various instances of fancy formation, spelling distortion, compounding, blending, and suffixation found in the series. In essence, the study aims to classify these slang terms, analyze their contextual use, and assess the series' role in defining modern youthful language. Moreover, this study has provided a profound significance of Gen Z’s creative use of language, offering insights into the intricate relationship between language, culture, and identity in modern media.


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How to Cite

Abid, S., Shahid, F., Anwar, M., & Fatima, I. (2024). Exploring Morphological Processes in Generation Z Slangs in Netflix Series One of Us is Lying. History of Medicine, 10(1), 196-214. https://doi.org/10.48047/HM.10.1.2024.196-214