The Role of Nursing Leadership in Promoting a Culture of Safety and Quality Care


  • Aiman bibi, Rimsha Nazeer,Aiman Ali, Sobia Ali, Azra shaheen, Maria faiz,Sonia eman Author



Nursing Leadership, Safety Culture, Quality Care, Patient Outcomes, Cross-Sectional Study


Background: Nursing leadership is a fundamental component in creating a healthcare environment that prioritizes safety and ensures the delivery of high-quality care. Leadership in nursing not only guides clinical practice but also shapes the organizational culture, influencing how safety protocols are followed and how care is delivered. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to assess 
the influence of nursing leadership on promoting a culture of safety and the delivery of quality care. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used to assess the relationship between nursing leadership and safety culture in a healthcare facility. The study included 350 patients, with data gathered through structured questionnaires from both nursing staff and patients. The Nurse Leadership Styles Inventory (NLSI) was employed to evaluate leadership behaviors, while the Hospital Safety and Quality Care Survey (HSQCS) was used to measure safety outcomes, such as adverse events, staff compliance with safety protocols, and patient satisfaction. Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the statistical significance of the relationship between leadership styles and safety outcomes. The study also considered variables such as frequency of leadership rounds and the level of staff involvement in decision-making.


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How to Cite

Aiman bibi, Rimsha Nazeer,Aiman Ali, Sobia Ali, Azra shaheen, Maria faiz,Sonia eman. (2024). The Role of Nursing Leadership in Promoting a Culture of Safety and Quality Care . History of Medicine, 10(2), 1899-1908.