Tribal Economic Development: Theory and Practice
Economic Development Theory, Arturo Escobar, PluriversalityAbstract
The discourse on economic development has traditionally been dominated by Western paradigms emphasizing industrialization, urbanization, and market integration. This paper critically examines the applicability of classical economic development theories to tribal communities, with a specific focus on Kerala's tribal populations. Through a comprehensive analysis of development concepts and their evolution, the study investigates whether conventional economic theories adequately address the unique socio-cultural contexts and aspirations of tribal societies. The research mainly engages with Arturo Escobar's groundbreaking work on universality and 'un-development,' exploring how his theoretical framework offers alternative perspectives for understanding tribal development in Kerala. This paper rigorously highlights the limitations of universal development theories, encouraging a critical and analytical approach to understanding tribal economic development. The study concludes by proposing alternative theoretical frameworks that better accommodate tribal worldviews, traditional knowledge systems, and indigenous economic practices while suggesting policy implications for more effective and culturally appropriate development interventions in tribal areas.
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