Real-Time Monitoring and Automation in Drug Delivery using IoT and RTC Technologies


  • Prakash Jogi, Saresh Kumar Ellamla, Akula Rajini Author



IoT, Smart Drug Administration, RPS Power Supply, Reliable System, Medication Adherence, Forgetfulness Mitigation, Fast Curing,


The major goal is to create a smart medicine box for users who regularly take medications with long prescriptions that are hard to remember for patients and caregivers. Older folks forget to take their prescriptions, which can cause health concerns for those with permanent ailments including diabetes, blood pressure, breathing problems, heart problems, cancer, etc. Patients can know which box to take drugs from. The mechanism preloads all pill boxes that patients must take. Our system uses RPS power supply, RTC, and Bluetooth IoT connectivity to improve functionality. Users can easily set medication schedules with an Android app for timer settings. The entire system runs on embedded C code for efficiency and reliability. Thus, our method cures patient health quickly employing our 
favourable system. People may forget to take their medications at the right time. We created this project to aid them with this liability.


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How to Cite

Prakash Jogi, Saresh Kumar Ellamla, Akula Rajini. (2021). Real-Time Monitoring and Automation in Drug Delivery using IoT and RTC Technologies . History of Medicine Ru, 7(2), 347-357.