Towards Better Outcomes: The Role of Education and Awareness in Alpha Thalassemia Management
Thalassemia, Alpha Thalassemia, Genetic Factors, Socioeconomic Status, Consanguinity, Survival Analysis, Patient Education, Healthcare Access, Family Structure, Public Health, Genetic TestingAbstract
Biostatistics offers the essential procedural and quantitative foundations for medical research. This branch of statistics has wide applications in genetic, bioinformatics’, epidemiology, and clinical trials, etc. A disease may be polio, hemophilia, thalassemia, hepatitis, etc. For checking the life expectancy of these diseases, the field of Survival Analysis is used. Survival Analysis is one of the frequently used sets of Statistical methods in medical research and is considered as the backbone of biostatistics. One of the most frequently inherited diseases in Pakistan is thalassemia. It has emerged as one of the major health problems and is one of the most causes of death. The main objective of this study is to model the α-thalassemia patients.
The data of 184 alpha thalassemia patients was obtained from the Fatimid Foundation Peshawar, Pakistan. These 184 were further divided into 137 males and 47 females.
The data was collected with help of patients, their parents and from their records. Out of the selected patients, 87 belonged to the joint family system and 97 were the member of nuclear family system. Further, 58.2% of the patients’ parents were first cousins, 19% were relatives and 22.8% were married outside of the family. Majority of patients were illiterate. Nearly, 73.4% parents were not infaour of during pregnancy test. Majority of the patients belonged to the low family income. For the inferential statistics, survival analysis techniques were used. The log-rank and the Tarone-ware tests for the comparisons of different situations, revealed no difference.
For the α-Thalassemia patients, there factors namely i.e. cast of patients, MCHC and WBC were in the model.
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