Exploring Stevia rebaudiana: Characterization, Biological Activities, and its Impact on Pancreatic Health
Stevia rebaudiana, Pancreatic disorders, Non-caloric, Sweetener, SugarAbstract
Stevia rebaudiana, a natural, non-caloric sweetener, has gained widespread attention for its
health benefits, particularly in metabolic disorders. This review explores the chemical properties,
biological activities and therapeutic potential of Stevia with a special focus on pancreatic health.
Stevia contains bioactive compounds, mainly steviosides and rebaudiosides, which exhibit
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-diabetic properties. These compounds help
regulate glucose metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity, making Stevia an ideal alternative
to artificial sweeteners for diabetics. Additionally, emerging studies suggest that Stevia promotes
insulin secretion by increasing pancreatic beta-cell function and offers protective effects against
inflammatory pancreatic diseases such as pancreatitis. Despite the numerous benefits, the safety
profile and long-term effects of Stevia use are still being studied, although current evidence
indicates a favorable toxicity profile. This review highlights the potential of S. rebaudiana as a
natural therapeutic agent in diabetes management and supporting pancreatic health while
indicating future research directions to fully realize its therapeutic uses
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