Stages of formation and further development of domestic cardiology. Part 1
history of medicine, cardiology, twentieth centuryAbstract
The first stage of the development of USSR Cardiology as an independent scientific discipline and medical specialty covers the history of national Cardiology in the first half of the twentieth century. Cardiology, as a division of clinical medicine separate from internal medicine and focusing on the morphofunctional characteristics of the cardiovascular system and its pathology, was born in the 20th century. In his monograph, V. Borodulin lays out issues relating to its division into various periods. Domestic cardiology has its origins in the classical clinical and experimental studies of A. B. Fokht and his scientific school, which laid the foundations of experimental heart pathology, as well as the works of the clinical school's representative M. V. Yanovsky, which were devoted to the study of peripheral hemodynamics. Of crucial significance was the introduction of new diagnostic methods: electrocardiography (A. F. Samoilov and V. F. Zelenin), which quickly advanced the doctrine of heart arrhythmias; the bloodless acoustic method for determining blood pressure (N. S. Korotkoff), which made the clinical study of hypertension possible; and cardio-radiography (M. I. Nemenov, A. Y. Shternman, Y. I. Arkussky and others), which gave doctors the opportunity to study the morphology (orthodiagraphy, teleroentgenography) and physiology (actinocymography) of the heart. The high-priority description of the clinical picture of acute coronary artery thrombosis by V. P. Obraztsov and N. D. Strazhesko began the era of clinical diagnosis of myocardial infarction. The development of an experimental model for atherosclerosis cholesterol and the cholesterol theory of its pathogenesis (N. N. Anichkov, S. S. Shalatov) determined the path for the study of atherosclerosis.
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