History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

V.D. Shervinskiy – L.E. Golubinin Therapeutic School at the Imperial Moscow University and USSR Department of Internal Medicine:M.P. Konchalovsky’s School

V.I. Borodulin1, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

A.V. Topolianskiy2, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

1 The Federal Agency for Scientific Institutions’ N.A. Semashko National Public Health Research Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation);

2 The Russian Ministry of Health’s A.I. Evdokimov Mosсow State Medical and Stomatological University, Moscow (Russian Federation)

The article studies the continuation of the V. D. Shervinsky–L.E. Golubinin and M.P. Konchalovsky scientific schools at the medical faculty of Moscow University (1st Moscow Medical Institute). The authors see the scientific school at the clinic of internal diseases as a creative medical team meeting the following four criteria: the presence of a bright creative personality in the school’s creator – a well-known doctor, teacher and researcher; among the staff, the presence of a scholar capable of going beyond the framework to independently and creatively develop his or her own views; a research program (new fields of research and conceptual or methodological approaches), launched by the founder of the school and unifying the research team; perennial everyday communication between teachers and students in medical and research activities as a condition for the formation of a unified medical and scientific style, or the “face”, of the school. It is shown that Konchalovsky’s general therapeutic school was formed in the therapeutic hospital clinic at the 2nd Moscow State University (MSU), and then later in the Faculty Hospital of the 1st Moscow State University in the first half of the 20th century. Its founder was Konchalovsky – a student and a staff member of Shervinsky and Golubinin, which allows us to consider his school as a subsidiary, in relation to the school of Shervinsky and Golubinin. A brief scientific biography of Konchalovsky and his students is presented. It is concluded that the main influence on the formation of therapeutic clinical practice in Moscow in the 1920s–1940s was the Shervinsky-Golubinin school, not the schools of G.A. Zakharyin and A.A. Ostroumov.

Keywords: history of medicine, internal medicine, clinical research school, therapy, M.P. Konchalovsky

Full text of the artcle will be available after registration
Published in Vol. 2. №2, 2015


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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