History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

The activities of the Siberia Public Healthcare Interregional Association in the 1990s

DOI: 10.17720/2409-5834.v3.2.2016.18d

E.V. Lukov

National Research Tomsk State University

The article discusses the activities of the Siberia Public Healthcare Interregional Association (SPHCIA). The purpose of this research is to examine SPHCIA’s work in the reforms of the 1990s, to identify and illustrate the main problems in medical care, describe the existing practices and mechanisms of interregional cooperation to solve these problems, and also to determine SPHCIA’s role in adapting the field to new realities. Amid the real disintegration of Russia’s political and economic sphere in the early 1990s, problems in providing medical care for the population began to grow. This was associated with a reduction in healthcare management, the lack of a developed reform program and a sharp reduction in public funding for the social sphere. Under these circumstances, interregional associations were established on the initiative of the subjects of the Russian Federation. One of these associations was SPHCIA. Its activities were developed in different fields – its role was to address strategic, tactical and current goals. As a result of SPHCIA’s activities, a reduction in the field’s vertical control was compensated with elements of horizontal interaction, providing flexibility and dynamism to the system as a result of a rapid exchange of information on emerging problems and possible ways of addressing them. In the period under review, SPHCIA made a significant contribution to the consolidation Siberian territories’ activities aimed at healthcare reforms, as well as supporting medical facilities in Siberia. The association became a platform for the exchange of information and a tool for promoting relevant developments in all the subjects of the Russian Federation whose representatives were included in it. SPHCIA’s gathering and analysis of information provided for the development and implementation of a crossregional program to address the most pressing problems. At the same time, cooperation with federal management and authorities raised awareness of Siberian territories’ problems to a national level. The activities of the association contributed to the restoration of the system for providing medical care to the population of Siberia. SPHCIA’s practices were used in other regions of the country.

Keywords: Public healthcare system, Siberian Accord, regional studies, history of Siberia


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