History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Pavel Sidorov

Academic Biography
Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute, Medical Faculty (1976).
The All-Russian State Distance-Learning Institute of Finance and Economics, Management (2000).

Degrees and titles
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Candidate’s dissertation on “Clinical-Social Aspects of Alcoholization and Alcoholism in Teens and Adolescents (1979)”.
Doctoral dissertation on “Pathogenesis of Alcoholism in Teens and Early Prevention Methods in the Northern European Environment” (1986).

Academic Сareer
In 1980, began to work as an assistant in the psychiatry department, of which he was made a professor in 1988, and in 1994, was the head of the department (until 2012).
In 1991, was made prorector of scientific work and in 1993, became rector of ASMI.
In 1994, changed the institution into an academy and in 2000, changed it to Northern State Medical University.
At NSMU opened twelve institutes, two research institutes for maritime medicine and arctic medicine, 18 specialties, nine areas of study for bachelor’s degrees, and three international master’s degree programs. This paved the way for the NSMU’s multidisciplinary science, educational and practical innovation complex for integrated medicine based on a synergetic biology, psychology, sociology and spiritual technological platform. In 1992, the institution’s economic development driver was Medipark (the medical analog of a technology park), uniting dozens of venture capital companies of varying forms of ownership and working under a public-private sector partnership (which was only legitimized in August 2009).
In 1991, opened the first doctoral dissertation council in Russia for new specialists of emergency safety, and it was the only one of its kind in the country for six years. Under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in 1992 he organized the establishment of Human Ecology, a monthly practical science journal, and Narcology in 2002. He was the first Russian scientist admitted into the RAMS under the new specialty of human ecology; in 1995, became a Corresponding Member and in 2000 he became an Academician.
He developed and implemented in a number of pilot programs a systematic methodology for system monitoring, ranging from the ecological to the educational and from public health to public awareness. In 2007, after years of medical and ecological research into issues of safety at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Pavel Sidorov and his colleagues published a monograph on “System Monitoring of Rocket and Space Activity” (MEDpress-inform), which warned Roscosmos leadership of the increasing probability of catastrophe in the field due to the cumulative buildup of the effects of ineffective post-Soviet models of production and management.
In 2009, opened at NSMU the Mental Medicine Institute and in 2011, the Social Faculty of Mental Medicine was opened in a new kind of partnership with both the public and private sectors and with the Russian Orthodox Church and business community. The field of “mental medicine”, developed by P.I. Sidorov as a psychiatric paradigm for integrated medicine, allows for the mobilization of new interdisciplinary resources in the management of awareness and health. Today, it is one of the priorities in the third stage of presidential initiatives involving “Strategies for the Development of Nanoindustry”, set to begin in 2016 and develop over the next ten to twenty years.
P.I. Sidorov has been an advisor for the defense of 38 doctoral and 45 candidate’s dissertations. He is the founder of mental ecology and medicine, mental epidemiology and preventology, the conception of a systematic monitoring of mental health and synergetic platforms for mental health services.
Academician P.I. Sidorov is a recognized leader in human ecology and social psychiatry, clinical psychology and disaster medicine, social epidemiology and conflictology, and the prevention of extremism and terrorism. Since 2012, has been the head research fellow at NSMU.

Honorary Titles, Awards and Prizes
In 1992, the Russian Association of Narcologists named Pavel Sidorov The Narcologist of the Year. He has been given the following honors: Distinguished Scientist of the RF (1997); Government of the RF Award for Science and Technology (2006) for the work on ecological system monitoring as a national security priority; 6 State Medals of the RF; Golden Badge of Honor of the Social Consciousness National Foundation; Golden Psyche Psychological Competition Winner; Lomonosov Foundation Regional Prize (for creating as native of the Kholmogorsky Region the Descendents of Lomonosov Association). Was awarded the Patriarch of Moscow and Russia Alexei II Certificate of Honor; the Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal; and the Polish Academy of Medicine Award for Healthcare Service. In 2009 the World Federation of Circumpolar Medicine awarded him the Jack Hildes Medal for outstanding contribution to the development of new synergistic paradigms in arctic medicine as a hybrid system of health safety in extreme environments.

Academic Interests
History of mental ecology and medicine, mental epidemiology and preventology, social psychiatry and narcology, clinical psychiatry and disaster medicine.
Academician P.I. Sidorov has made a fundamental contribution to the understanding and development of preventative systems for mental and social epidemics; the creation of original synergistic bio-psycho-socio-spiritual methodologies for evaluating and forecasting ontogenetic development; justifications for including terrorism and extremism within the group of polymodal and polymorphic related disorders; the conception of mental terrorism (commercial manipulation of consciousness by means of threats, sanctions, etc.) as a nonlethal weapon of mass destruction; the creation of sanogenetic therapy – adaptation of the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual management of consciousness and health (a priority since 1988); the validation of animogenetic (spiritual-moral) diagnostic and propaedeutic therapy and rehabilitation; the development of a multidisciplinary ideology and synergistic methodology of mental health care and system monitoring as an social awareness interface.

Scientific Publications
Pavel Sidorov is the author of over 900 works, including 56 books and monographs, 30 textbooks and manuals, 430 journal articles (120 published in foreign journals), and 31 invention patents.
Several of his books have won awards and prizes:
a) Psychology, Clinics, and Early Prevention of Alcoholism (1984, coauthor B.S. Bratus) – the RSFSR gold medal winner of the Republican Competition of Scientific Works. The book was dedicated to his teacher, Professor I.D. Muratov, who helped open the first teen narcology office in the USSR in 1974;
b) System Monitoring of Educational Environments (2007, coauthor E.Y. Vasilev) – best scientific work according to the All-Russia Competition Foundation for the Development of Domestic Education.
c) Personnel Management (2008, coauthor V.I. Starodubov and I.A. Konopleva), Narcological Preventology (2008) – winners in several thematic categories of the 2008 University Book competition;
d) Perinatal Psychology and Psychiatry (2009, coauthor N.N. Volodin, et al.) – winner of the all-Russia (VDNKh) and international (Paris) book exhibitions for academic literature for innovative education (2015).
Academician P.I. Sidorov has published the next generation of federal textbooks on clinical psychology (five publications), disaster psychology and disaster medicine (four publications), perinatal psychiatry (two publications) and medico-social work (three publications), personnel management and organization (two publications), addictological preventology (four publications) and social psychiatry (two publications), human ecology two publications) and maritime medicine (four publications), business communication (four publications) and system monitoring of educational environments (two publications), physiological foundations of human health (three publications) and psychosomatic medicine (two publications), adaptive professiogenesis (two publications) and medical law (three publications), all of which are written using a synergistic methodology of integrated medicine.
Academician P.I. Sidorov is the editor of a number of Russian translations of works on psychiatry and psychotherapy, psychology and disaster medicine from English, German, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Polish.

Over the last 20 years, he has developed a synergistic bio-psycho-socio-spiritual methodology of mental medicine which effectively provides an adaptive management of consciousness and health. He has taken part in the publication of a number of handbooks employing this methodology:

1. Sidorov P.I. Russian Alcohol Culture. International Handbook on Alcohol and Culture. Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut•London, 1995. P. 237-253.
2. Sidorov P.I. Narkologicheskaya preventologiya (Narcological Preventology). Rukovodstvo. 2-e izd. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2006. 720 p. [in Russian]
3. Sidorov P. I., Novikova I. A. Mental’naya meditsina (Mental Medicine). Rukovodstvo. 2-e izd. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. 728 p. [in Russian]
4. Sidorov P. I. From bullying to pandemy of terrorism: synergetic bio-psycho-socio-spiritual methodology of Mental health protection. Handbook on Bullying: Prevalence, Psychological impacts and intervention Strategies. NY: NOVA Science Publishers, 2014. P. 177-214.
5. Sidorov P.I. Mental Terrorism of Hybrid Wars and Defense Synergetics. Handbook on New Developments in Surveillance Systems and National Security. NY: NOVA Science Publishers, 2015. P. 92-136.
6. Sidorov P.I. From mental epidemics to terrorism pandemic: synergetic bio-psycho-socio-spiritual methodology of public conscience protection. Handbook on Terrorism. NY: NOVA Science Publishers, 2015. P. 115-158.


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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