History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Pages from the history of healthcare in the Tula region in the second half of the 19th century: V.I. Smidovich

O.V. Tereshkina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department
of Human Physiology
Tula State University, Medical Institute, Tula (Russian Federation)

The article discusses the special aspects of healthcare in the Tula region in the second half of the 19th century. The author notes that a special social environment formed during this period in Tula, which was favorable for the activities of people thinking on a large scale. Key moments from regional healthcare development are presented using the example of one of the prominent representatives of Tula medicine from the late 19th century – V.I. Smidovich. His role is recognized in the organization of the medical research field – the founding and work of the Tula Physicians Society, and the creation of a free outpatients clinic to provide medical care to the poor. Particular attention is paid to Smidovich’s participation in the Congress of Zemstvo Doctors in Tula Province. Emphasis is placed on the establishment of statistics for the region, the main practical purpose of which was to study the population’s economic and living conditions (birth rate, mortality and morbidity). A number of Smidovich’s works on the public health and economic status of Tula are examined. The public’s state of health and its dependence on living conditions (environmental factors and the individual features of professional activities) is stressed in their importance for the health of the Tula province.
On the basis of Smidovich’s fundamental works, as well as his activities with the Tula Physicians Society, the author draws a conclusion about his impact on the world view of one of his sons – doctor and author V.V. Smidovich (Veresaev), a landmark figure in the history of bioethics. It is noted that the ideas of Smidovich are reflected in the works of Veresaev.

Keywords: V.I. Smidovich, Tula province, Tula provincial zemstvo, the Tula Physicians Society, zemstvo district doctors congresses, health statistics, healthcare conditions, V. Veresaev


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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