History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Reviving a smile against the clock: Savingan avulsed incisorafter hours

Arun Sharma, Rashi Gupta, Prashant Gupta, Charanjeet Singh, Karuna Sharma
Arun Sharma, Rashi Gupta, Prashant Gupta, Charanjeet Singh, Karuna Sharma
Arun Sharma, Rashi Gupta, Prashant Gupta, Charanjeet Singh, Karuna Sharma
Arun Sharma, Rashi Gupta, Prashant Gupta, Charanjeet Singh, Karuna Sharma


Avulsion represents a particularly severe and infrequent form of dental trauma that demands prompt and comprehensive treatment. This case study focuses on the effective handling of a dislodged upper front tooth, which was replanted next day outside the oral cavity and kept in milk. A 11-year-old male encountered a traumatic injury to his front upper teeth due to a mishap while cycling. The clinical evaluation noted that tooth number 11 had been avulsed and was subsequently reinserted following the protocols set forth by the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT), and secured with a splint. Root canal therapy
commenced one week following the replantation. The endodontic treatment was concluded two weeks after the tooth was reinserted, at which point the splint was also removed. The patient was monitored over the course of one month, three months, six months, and one year, demonstrating no clinical complications or signs of resorption in the radiographic assessments.



From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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