History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Exploring Psychosocial Barriers of E-yoga Training: A Trainers? Perspective

Ayesha Noor
M.S student, Lahore School of Behavioural Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore-Pakistan
Talia Sharaf
M.S student, Lahore School of Behavioural Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore-Pakistan
Muhammad Imran
M.S student, Lahore School of Behavioural Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore-Pakistan
Muhammad Rafiq
Head of Department of Psychology, Lahore School of Behavioural Sciences University of Lahore
Nayab Bukhari
M.S student, Lahore School of Behavioural Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore-Pakistan


Objective: The practice of yoga has gained extraordinary popularity worldwide, with an increasing number of individuals turning to online platforms for e-yoga training. It presents a unique psychosocial barrier that impacts trainers and participants. This study aimed to explore the psychosocial barriers of e-yoga training from a trainer's perspective. Methods: This qualitative study used a phenomenological research design with a purpose sampling technique. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five experienced e-yoga trainers. For this purpose, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and NVivo 14 software were used to interpret the results. Results: Six Superordinate themes emerged from the analysis interview?s transcript: (i) Psychosomatic Strains, (ii) Interpersonal Barriers, (iii) Virtual challenges, (iv) Diversity Impact, (v) Personalization and Adaptation, (vi) Communication Challenges. According to this study's findings, e-yoga trainers face psychosocial barriers during online training, such as affective disconnect, screen fatigue, cognitive load, technology stress, misinterpretation of Instruction, loss of non-verbal cues, equity concerns, religious consideration, and domestic interference. Their descriptions expose deep psychological and social barriers that shape the e-yoga site. Conclusion: The study's findings can inform the development of more comprehensive training programs for e-yoga trainers. E-yoga platforms and technology developers can use the study's insights to enhance their tools. This could involve creating features that address common psychosocial barriers, such as better communication tools, real-time feedback mechanisms, or options for personalized Instruction.

Keywords: E-Yoga Trainers, Yoga, Psychosocial Barriers, E-Yoga Training. ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

Founders of the journal

I.M. Sechenov

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