History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

Effect of Sperm Global Methylation Level on Sperm Parameter

Hala Gazi Mahmmod
College of Medicine, University of Baghdad .Baghdad .IRAQ
Ahmed Mohammed Ali
College of Medicine, University of Baghdad .Baghdad .IRAQ


Infertility is the inability to become pregnant within a year or more after having regular, unprotected, regular intercourse, it is a case of stressful, sensible and behavior conditions (COUSINEAU and DOMAR 2007) There are around 10-12% of couples worldwide suffer from infertility, In comparison to the normal populace, it covers 60 to 80 million parents. Stressful situations are brought on by infertility for individuals, couples, and families around the world(n. Cousineau 2013). Infertility causes, both couples are responsible to the fertile ability evenly. Mainly One third of the infertility reasons  is because male factor, ovulatory disorders and tubal-peritoneal disease (KAKARLA and BRADSHAW 2008). Male assessment for infertility by a set of clinical intervention and semen laboratory assay (CASTLETON 2022). Fertility matter can be due to defect in testicular, pre testicular or post testicular, and can be caused by a variety of reasons. Factors of genetic, such as monogenic and abnormalities of chromosomal, are thought to be responsible for about twenty present of cases. Many of these genetic factors should be tested using diagnostic workup of an infertile male's, if the patient suffer from severe azoospermia or oligozoospermia. (OEHNINGER and OMBELET 2019). Oxidative stress clearly cause physiologically damage at multiple levels like lipidomic, genomic, epigenetic, and proteomic thus to be one of the major components of the male infertility future (CHIANESE and PIERANTONI 2021). Epigenetic alteration like histone modifications (histone methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation), DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling have a straight effects on the structure of chromatin (SHARMA 2019). DNA methylation controls gene expression by blocking the binding of transcription factors to DNA or by recruiting proteins involved in gene repression (MOORE, LE and FAN 2013). Aim of our study was to Assessment the effects of Sperm DNA methylation in infertile men and Aim of our study was to assess. This study involved Sixty-seven untreated, infertile male participants, ranging in age from 18 to 43 years, were included in a case control study, who visited the High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technique at Al-Nahrain University in Baghdad, Iraq, and who had frequent sexual intercourses with their spouses for at minimum twelve months without conceiving despite trying to conceive. Samples of sperm from 22 infertile men with a healthy seminal test (count and activity), 23 infertile men with (asthenozoospermia), 22 infertile men with (oligoasthenozoospermia), and 22 control subjects were analyzed, All individuals with age range (17-68 years). the work was carried out between march-december 2021

Keywords: Eppegenetic, DNA Methylation ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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