History of Medicine


An Open Access Journal

The Way to the Self and Midlife Crisis in Tyler’s Novel “Morgan’s Passing” Through the Lens of Jungian Process of Individuation

Rafea Mohsin Alwan
Thi-Qar General Directorate of Education, Al Nasiriya –64001, Iraq


This study aims to investigate the life journey of Morgan, protagonist of Tyler’s novel «Morgan’s Passing», in terms of Jungian process of individuation. Methodology. The researcher has used C.G. Jung’s theory of individuation, accompanied by hermeneutical methodology. Theoretical framework and results. “Morgan’s Passing” is the story of a man who is resolute by controversy who is in a state of uncertainty. While asking ontological questions, the middle-aged protagonist needs a refuge to stabilize his situation. Such a refuge is his new marital life, or his new lifestyle in general. This can be seen as formulating new values for the afternoon of life. This idea is based on Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. And the very novel «Morgan’s Passing» brightly illustrates Jung’s individuation process. Morgan’s mission is to overcome opposition between self and ego, to understand the mystery of his new identity and to grasp his own Self. Scientific novelty. In the novel, Morgan, major character, has reached midlife identity crisis which is somehow the outcome of his communication with people around him; the study, therefore, has focused on interpersonal relationships. The novel depicts the personality maturation or development. Individuals have to realize this unity on their way to the Self. The process of individuation is, in fact, the way to identity development. Morgan has yet to find his way to himself and self-realization. Throughout the novel, Morgan is found changing his roles quite often. He is always accompanied with disorder and uncertainty; almost a marginalized state which drives him into a search for self-identity. He craves for an orderly life which he tries to attain by assuming the roles of various personae. This paper attempts to explore how Morgan in his life journey tries to achieve the self-realization and thereby a stable and mature identity

Keywords: Self, ego, collective, persona, individuation, midlife identity ,


From 2021

The Journal is Published Twice a Year.

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I.M. Sechenov

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